Week 10: Visual Archive Presentations
Please also save your project in the homework drive in a folder with your name on it. If it’s online, please include a link on a google doc.

We’ll start at 10:10am

Critique Order

  1. Marta (1R: Jina, Notetaker: Julia)
  1. Jina (1R: Julia, Notetaker: Annie)
  1. Julia (1R: Annie, Notetaker: Lauren K.)
  1. Annie (1R: Lauren K., Notetaker: Yeowon)
  1. Lauren K (1R: Yeowon, Notetaker: Tiny)
  • <break></break>
Come back at 11:45am
  1. Yeowon (1R: Tiny, Notetaker: Jina)
  1. Justin (1R: Tiny, Notetaker: Jon)
  1. Tiny (1R: Jon, Notetaker: Lauren C)
  1. Jon (1R: Lauren C, Notetaker: Esra)
  1. Lauren C (1R: Esra, Notetaker: Marta)
  1. Esra (1R: Marta, Notetaker: Justin)

If you’re the first responder, you respond to the presenter’s project first. If you’re the notetaker, take notes on the feedback provided about the students work in their Slack channel.

Example: Marta will present her project, Justin will kick off the discussion and then Jina will summarize the critique in the #Marta channel on Slack.

For the rest of class, you can refine your designer presentation and be ready to present it next week. We’ll move on to our next project then.

If there are any additional topics that you’d like to cover that we haven’t already, please feel free to let me know on Slack or in the #general channel!