Copy (Typography)

+NHS LA Design Patterns - (Return to list of patterns)

Copy (Typography)


Copy consists of the content written on topics within Nightingale. All copy tone should be direct and to the point to create useful & direct information for users.

When to use this pattern

Use this section to:
  • Describe when to use this pattern. 
  • When is it appropriate to use and what need does it help you meet?

When NOT to use this pattern (optional)

Use this section to:
  • If necessary, highlight any exceptions or known scenarios where the pattern does not work. 
  • If you include this section, explain what to use instead (with a relevant link if we’re suggesting an alternative pattern).

How it works

Use this section to:
  • Explain how the pattern works (if the pattern is too complex to have been fully described in the overview please elaborate here).
  • How to implement the pattern.
  • Steps to follow.
  • Long lines reduce legibility, so all lines of text should be no longer than 70 to 80 characters.

You can also include:
  • Snippets of code
  • things to avoid
  • variations of the pattern (for example, department variations)
  • why it works

Research on this pattern

Use this section to:
  • is a powerful text scoring tool that scores a piece of text based upon how easy it is to read. 
  • Readability formulas work by counting the variables that have the biggest impact on readers being able to ‘take in’ a bit of writing: sentence length, number of syllables per words, number of passive sentences.
  • They’re assessing the ‘reading age’ someone needs to be to understand your writing clearly on a first reading.

Related patterns

Use this section to:
  • Link up to 3 related patterns maximum.