User Research Tools

Various list of tools needed for comprehensive user insights, research, metrics, and data analysis

Below is a categorized list of software and tools commonly used within product development teams to research, test, monitor, and learn about user behavior.  The pipeline of this process follows the cycle of discover, explore, test, and learn. Each tool fits into one of those four categories.

As with any user research tool, there are various features and offerings all wrapped in their own wording and language that can make it hard to understand what specific “product” offerings mean or provide. More thorough insight, research, and demoing is necessary for any tool to understand its usefulness to the project or purpose.

User Interviews & Research

Tools that help find, recruit, manage, incentivize, measure, script, monitor, record, and analyze user behavior within a variety of mediums (questionnaires, prototypes, static screens, card sorting, etc). Vital to testing assumptions and developing research backed prototypes and MVPs before and during initial marketplace launches.

User Recruitment & Interviewing

  • Sources and find users in a variety of methods, other features including surveys, questionnaires, card sorting, and a very wide breadth of services far beyond most any other research based tool on the market. They also offer services catered toward health care specific clientele.
  • Pricing:
  • $25,000/year (estimated, pricing is only available on contact)

  • User recruitment platform, no other bells or whistles, just a conduit for finding. 
  • Pricing: 
  • $40/session
  • $250/month for 15 sessions

  • User recruitment tool, which scheduling, scripting, incentives, etc.
  • Pricing:
  • $79/month
  • $179/month
  • $349/month

  • Finds and recruits users based on specific criteria, and allows them to interact with a product and provide feedback. 
  • Pricing:
  • $20,000/year (estimated, pricing is only available on contact)

  • Offers a wide range of serves, including a recruitment sourcing, scheduling, incentives, etc. Pricing for recruitment is an add-on to the plans themselves (I believe). 
  • Pricing:
  • $299/month
  • $499/month
  • $999/month
  • Add-on:
  • $15/participant
  • $45/participant (based on the plan)
  • $150/participant (based on the plan)

Feedback Collection, Monitoring & Analysis

  • Platform for scripting, monitoring, exploring behavior, which can use from previously determined user base, or recruit from their panel (which will have limited demographic options for products with narrow or specific needs).