Unit 01: Design as Form
“In the 1920s, faculty at the Bauhaus and other schools analyzed form in terms of basic geometric elements. They believed this language would be understandable to everyone, grounded in the universal instrument of the eye.” — Ellen Lupton, Graphic Design: The New Basics

In this assignment we’ll use the basic structures of language to lead an interpretive deconstruction of our surrounding, transforming them into a distinct graphic language. Just as paragraphs can be broken into words and words can be broken into letters, we’ll break photos of our environment into their basic formal elementals. We’ll translate those elements into new graphic forms, exploring a variety of materials and tools as we go. Your collection of forms will then be used to create new compositions, a graphic language all your own. This project was adapted from a project by Keetra Dean Dixon.

Learning Objectives
— Translate observed shapes into new forms
— Exercise an understanding of gestalt principles
— Explore traditional and non-traditional tools & materials
— Develop and give a presentation explaining process

Part 01: Observation

Observe (v): to notice or perceive something and register it as being significant

In one hour, take 60+ photos documenting examples of point, line, plane, space & volume, pattern and texture (10+ of each). Once you finish taking photos, upload them to your computer, cloud service, or hard drive for quick access and to view photos. Begin to edit and organize images. That can be by element, location, favorites, visually interesting, etc.

Part 02: Translation

  • Translate (v): to to turn into one’s own or another language

Create a collection of 25 black & white/grayscale, form studies. You’ll now translate your photos into graphic forms using a variety of materials and tools. Use at least 5 traditional and at least 5 non-traditional materials and tools to create the forms. You may mix materials with one another, and use any additional tools you please.

Non-traditional (use at least 5)
  • thread/string
  • marshmallows 
  • tissue
  • toothpaste
  • Vaseline
  • salt/pepper
  • straws
  • QTips
  • balloons
  • cotton balls
  • hardware
  • plastic cups
  • ?

Traditional (Use at least 5)
  • paper
  • tape
  • Xacto knife