UI & UX review for RateMyMeeting
Date: 5th Feb 2020

I really liked your idea of demonstrating the product in the first part of the landing page. It’s so much clear to me now. I didn’t even have to scroll down! I absolutely love your product. 

Below I have tried to mention the UI & UX review from my part. I hope you find it useful. 🙂 

This is a normal view of 1920x1080 screen size. I see a lot of information and UI elements being seen which can overwhelm users. I was overwhelmed myself. So I would recommend having more white space in landing page.  

  1. You can change the font of the heading and have more space above and below the heading. 
  1. I see you have the heading(Make meetings suck less) and subheading(Ask participants…) are centered. You can align them to the left if you want to. If you align it to left, make sure it is on the same level as the bottom lists and elements(perfect for productive… section)
  1. In the list (1,2,3,4) you have differentiated the active elements by just changing the background color of the number’s square. It is not recommended. Alternative to this can be following: Change the opacity of active number to 1 and the opacity of all inactive elements should be 0.4 . This way your users will see the item in the number and see the demo video too. [Highly recommended]
  1. Instead of “Have effective meetings… Start free” in your button, do this
Your buttons should not have too much text. This one I just mentioned is a professional approach. You can use words like START FREE or SIGN UP or which ever you want. Make sure it is descriptive eg. instead of using SUBMIT, you can use SEND MESSAGE or CONTINUE or CHECKOUT or anything that users understand. Never mess up with the cases of your button.

  1. I’m thinking you can either remove this or replace this with something different. Too much information in the first part of landing page is a affects conversion negatively.

  1. You can just write “Login Here” or something similar. The point is, “HAVE AN ACCOUNT” is not a link and only LOGIN is link. Consider using only LOGIN as a link and HAVE AN ACCOUNT as normal text. 
  1. I love your header. Several SaaS websites have followed the following approach: FEATURES, PRCING, START FREE & LOGIN whereas you have used START FREE, FEATURES, PRICING, LOGIN approach. You can decide on your own on what to follow. 
I love your page feedback menu there. 

  1. If you compare your START TODAY, FREE button and your START FREE button at the top, they have different styles. I can’t even see properly the text in Testimonials section. I would suggest using the same button styles for signup everywhere. Make it like the header one. 
  1. It’s considered trustworthy to use images of company or people in the testimonials section. If you do decide to use images, you can use following style:

There are other ways to create testimonials section as well. Please follow whichever you like. 
You have illustrated it nicely in your testimonials section. Consider making the images a bit smaller or names a bit bigger. You can use white backgrounds in the cards of text. 

  1. The spacing in between the images and the heading is very less. Consider increasing to either 2x or 3x than it’s current margin.
  1. This button leads to another web address and you might lose potential customers from this.

  1. The spacing in between the customers and testimonials is very low. Consider increasing your margin in between these two headings.

  1. Instead of having call to action in all three buttons, you can have one button that says get started. You can remove all three buttons from all three cards. And create another call to action section after this section. If you don’t want to change, you can see in the Buttons that the texts do not give accurate information. eg. “create your first” or “start improving”. These are not the texts buttons should be showing. You can keep them as small texts that encourage to signup. 

This is so far what I can offer right now. I hope you found this helpful.