Transit Oriented Communities Supportive Funding Program Index
Metro’s grant writing services support LA County communities in pursuing funding for federal, state, local dollars for eligible transit oriented community planning and capital projects.

Select the arrows next to the Transit Oriented Community Activity type below to review the programs listed in this index and find transit oriented community funding resources.

See funding programs below sorted by project Transit Oriented Community Activity type:

Affordable Housing

Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Planning

Funding Source: Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Project Type: Planning
TOC Example Project Types:
Any comprehensive or site-specific planning work proposed for funding under the TOD Pilot Program must be associated with an eligible transit capital project.
  • Policies that reduce regulatory barriers to the development of affordable housing such as inclusionary zoning that specifies a percentage of new units affordable for targeted incomes or the provision of density bonuses for the creation of affordable housing units
  • Policies that support affordable rental opportunities
  • Policies that encourage streamlined permitting for affordable housing units
  • Policies that support permanent affordable housing for disadvantaged groups in areas with high incidence rates of homelessness
  • A report evaluating and recommending financial tools to encourage TOD implementation such as land banking, value capture, and development financing
Next Cycle Opening: Anticipated Summer/Fall 2025

Community Stabilization (or Anti-Displacement Strategies)

Sustainable Communities Competitive and Technical Program

Funding Source: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Project Type: Planning
TOC Example Project Types:
  • Studies or plans to ensure that infill and transit-oriented development benefits existing residents and businesses, low-income and underserved communities, and minimizes displacement
Next Cycle Opening: Anticipated October 2024

Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program

Funding Source: USDOT
Project Types: Community Planning, Capital Construction
TOC Example Project Types:
  • Planning studies to assess the feasibility of removing, retrofitting, or mitigating an existing eligible dividing facility to reconnect communities, including assessments of:
  • The project’s anticipated economic impact and development opportunities
  • The project’s anticipated environmental, public health, and community impacts
  • Developing local anti-displacement policies and community benefit agreements
  • Location-efficient affordable housing, managing gentrification and neighborhood change
  • Preliminary and detailed design activities and associated environmental studies; pre-development/pre-construction; construction; permitting activities including the completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for:
  • The removal, retrofit, or mitigation of an eligible dividing facility
  • The replacement of an eligible dividing facility with a new facility that restores community connectivity
Next Cycle Opening: Summer 2024. Closes September 30, 2024

RHNA (Housing Policy)

Sustainable Communities Competitive and Technical Program

Funding Source: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Project Type: Planning
TOC Example Project Types:
  • An update to a general plan land use element or zoning code that increases development opportunities around key transportation corridors or nodes
Next Cycle Opening: Anticipated October 2024