ToDo On Windows

1. get Atom

2. Install these atom packages

  • Needed for windows
  • Needed for keeping code nice and tidy

3. Open up the atom terminal terminal from

  • go to whatever directory you want to clone the repository
  • npm install run-sequence babel-preset-es2015 browserify git-scripts gulp gulp-babel gulp-load-plugins gulp-plumber gulp-rename gulp-sass gulp-uglify gulp-webserver gulp-autoprefixer normalize-scss nodemon opn surge vinyl-buffer vinyl-source-stream husky
  • npm install -g gulp node-sass gulp-sass
  • run gulp serve to start up the runtime enviroment

Pushing to git

  • to push to github i reccomend ungit because it’s easier to view how the branches work
  • to get ungit run npm install -g ungit from the terminal