Welcome viewer, if you hate the system and are thinking of bombing it, or you hate radical terrorists, this is the live stream for you.
Ted Kaczynski was a maths professor turned luddite whose failure resulted in his lashing out against the system, which he published a manifesto against, and mailed 16 bombs against targets of industrialisation, which we will be debating the merits today. This follows on from our previous series of propaganda and political instability.
And who are we?
I’m Ben, a software engineer and the founder of Bevry, I've built software that is installed millions of times each month, and created content on youtube that has a year of view time now.
I am joined today by John, an auto-didactic philosopher and the screenwriter of The Antinatalist, which you can view on this Bevry channel — John also led our recent series exploring Vervaeke’s Awaking from the Meaning Crisis.
I’m also joined by Nick; co-participant of Paul Vanderklay’s channel and constant memetic trangessor.
Together we are part of Bevry, an open-company comprised of a study department which includes this weekly show that uncovers objective truth so we can keep our axioms aligned towards it. Bevry is also comprised of a build department, which develops projects and products that will further the expansion of collaborative wisdom.
The idea that necessity eliminates violations, seems to stem from a naive belief that one is, or even can be, violation free. But one who has killed, even when justified, is still a killer. No amount of neccessity surrounding a violation removes the fact that the violation still occurred. All that the necessity states is that the violation was justified, not that it did not occur. Being violation free in the face of a violation is wishful and delusional thinking, a longing for a sense of purity that is nonexistent.
Because I am ashamed of my own inferiority, I blame society for not being as virtuous as I. I resent inferiority as I resent myself. As I cannot overcome this, I can either make everything morally relative which I don't actually believe, because then my activism won't be a foil for my shame, or I can try and make society conform to myself. I can rid minorities of their likeness, and conform them to myself, because I despise them. That is the only way I can finally judge myself as moral, if everyone conforms to me, validating my virtue. Hence why I tend towards authoritarianism. I am not recognisable or validated unless I am in a group, and I am not virtuous unless my group is supreme.
What is the point of freedom if there is no benefit to it? The power process can be balanced in modern forms. You've falsely projected your inferiority on everyone else, and projected your hopelessness onto the future.