The Perfect Email
This email will increase your email open rates, clicks, and generate more sales. (please subscribe!)

Quick Tips:

  • In our research, emails with a word count ranging from 9 to 100 achieved the highest engagement, boasting click-through rates exceeding 3.5%. 
  • Emails exceeding 500 words saw the lowest engagement, with click-through rates falling below 1%. 
  • Notably, emails that were up to 99 words in length showed significantly better performance on our internal list compared to the results from tests conducted with 26 different companies across various sectors.

The Email:

The Strategy:

  1. You must make your emails look like a plain text email, this will get better open rates, clicks, and builds a better relationship with your reader
  1. Make sure your font is 14px (same as Outlook and Gmail)
  1. Make sure your font is Arial (same as Outlook and Gmail)
  1. Subject line should reference a story of a person in your email
  1. The preview text should make them think twice, yes it’s the best email for me
  1. Paragraph 1 is a story about a relatable customer
  1. Section 2 is 2-4 bullet points showing opportunities
  1. Section 3 makes it sound easy and shows that you made a guide, resource, or product they can easily look at - I always send to a blog with a YouTube video
  1. Always ask them to reply back, make it relatable to your email

Email Example:

Profile Picture: You must have your picture in your email
Email Name: Always set as [your name] - [your company name]
Subject Line: Try what our client [name] did
Preview Line: Is this the best email for you?

Hello [name], recently we’ve been helping [person or company] with their [your service] and you’ll be surprised about their results. 

After just a few changes they’ve accomplished:
  1. Increase, growth, sales
  1. Easier, time savings, changes
  1. More money, weight loss, feeling better, more leads

So, we put together a free guide that you can reference that shows you how you can get these same results as [person or company].

Reply back to this email if it helped you in any way or if you have questions.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Your Next Steps:

  1. Leave a comment on this page if you have questions.
  1. Build a similar email like this and send us a preview so we can give feedback.