🥑 The Game Jam Worksheet

  • A checklist of steps for solo game devs participating in 48-hour game jams.

  • However, feel free to adapt to different team sizes and game jam lengths.

Before the game jam

  • You have 48 hours to make an awesome game.

  • But let’s be honest. You aren’t working 48 hours.

  • You need to sleep – optimally 8 hours a night.
  • You need to eat something nutritious.
  • You need to go outside so your brain is happy.
  • You might have a job or family commitments. Don’t neglect them!

  • So open Google Calendar, and block out your non-dev time commitments.

  • Here’s how my schedule would look:

  • Once you’re done, count the number of hours available to you.

  • Given the schedule above, I have 19 hours and 15 minutes. Heck, let’s just round down to 19 hours.

  • You should do the same! Check off the following tasks once you’re done:

  • I blocked out my non-dev time commitments in Google Calendar.
  • I counted the # of hours available for actual game development.

  • Oh, and this goes without saying – you should review the game jam rules:

  • I reviewed the game jam rules. (Example.)

The stages of game development

  • What follows is all the stages of making a game.

  • Given the time available to you, you should allocate time blocks for each of the stages below.

  • I scheduled time for the Mockup stage.
  • I scheduled time for the Content stage.
  • I scheduled time for the Polish stage.