Task list pages
  • Task list pages let you show users:
  • know what tasks a transaction involves at a glance
  • know what order to do tasks in, if any
  • plan time to do each task
  • know which tasks are done and are left to do

NB - GOV.UK are now looking at how to build navigation for end-to-end journeys that will stitch together content and transactions on GOV.UK (think: learning to drive, becoming a childminder, going to university, starting a business…).

This navigation will comprise of pages similar to the task list pattern, with content and transactions broken down into the stepped tasks that make up the journey, and content/transaction page level nav that allows users to nav up to the overview of the journey or to the next step they need to take.

If you are working on something that you think would fit well into an end-to-end journey we’d be happy to hear from you! Drop us an email at modelling-services-and-benchmarking@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk


Follow the guidance in the Service Manual  (published, March 2017)
Use this page to discuss that guidance.


Tested well with users: allowing them to check completed tasks:
  • show all the +tasks to do something
  • include online tasks, such as 'book theory test'
  • include offline tasks, such as 'take driving test'
  • include non-government tasks, such as 'get insured' 
  • show the order user must do task in, if any
  • call tasks what they are, such as 'register for tax'
  • only show the user tasks they need to know 
  • link overview of tasks to content to do them
  • order tasks, if they don't need to be
  • only show tasks from one department or agency
  • show tasks that all do the same thing
Task order:
1. tasks where users check something, like eligibility
2. tasks where government check something, like criminal history
3. tasks involving lots of user time, like training