Stacks Foundation Distributed Network Proposal Issue


  • Wicked Networks: of design & engineering for Wicked Solutions to Wicked Problems
  • Open Source & Open Socioeconomics→SDGs
  • Systems Development > product development


  • Distributed Blockstack Network Model : 
  • Adding the knowledge base & network resources of BS’s distributed systems network to FabAcademy’s network.
  • Adding knowledge base of FabAcademy network resources to BS’s network. 
  • Best to avoid building distributed networks from scratch here too 😉 Anchoring ecosystem building to this digital fabrication network is akin to bitcoin anchoring but in worlds of IoTs in production, manufacturing & distribution. 
  • Global Systems Building Workshops→
  • Systems Prototyping..
  • Small Systems PoCs..
  • Organically growing Bottom up local & regional Systems 

  • BS Collections : enables tangible tinkering at workshops for schema infrastructure needed  for building new high value data based ecosystem i.e “..what data needs to be collected” in SDGs context.

  • Merging Networks:  Blockstack’s architecture has capacity to impact overarching structures of markets usually kept unaccessible to isolated technical firms across disciplines. 

  • Systems Development Models: w/blockstack architecture across fields instead of conventional product R+D;
  • All of the above is meant to compliment PBC’s hard work on the powerful innovation that is PoX & what it can mean for unlocked potential  of decoupling control & access w/ BS’s unique capacities in the crypto space! 

Web3 Ecosystems

  • Innovative business models: that leverage advantages of both academia R+D & private sector impact.
  • Legal advantages of private sector include significant distinctions of impact relative to academic settings i.e robotics architecture R+D is limited to temporary structure production in academic settings; while code requirements of private sector enable further development of permanent structures.
  • Disadvantages of conventional private sector we should avoid include a sacrifice or severe narrowing of exciting R+D seen in academic settings for sake of bottom lines in private sector. 
  • Web3 Market Models: A focus on expanding WEF triple bottom line approach to include unalienated value(s) circulation in labor, expressive, & ecological rights etc.
  • Commons based models: are critical to paradigm shifts in markets; toward sustaining unalienated value circulation & away from extractive singular bottom line approaches. 

FABchain SIPs

  • FABchain FabLab nodes start as SIPs: w/ corresponding chains. SIP rejection not impacting deploying chain for testing means of self sufficiency & other potential. 
  • Business model WG lab mission→ 
  • FabLABs: as real labs for BS experimentation & system prototyping.
  • Academany Course: How to build almost anything [interdisciplinary]
  • Textile Academy: Pushing forward the state of the arts in everything textiles.
  • Biolab Course: How to grow almost anything
  • Systems Design Engineering
  • Blockstack based Local Regional full lifecycle (Pro)sumption Markets Paradigm Shifts away from end of lifecycle finished goods consumption markets for DIDO > PIDO model.
  • SDGs focused High Value Data paradigm shifts with (MIDs & DAOs) [see this issue for gov WG novel gov’t approaches]
  • Utility Chains: While models described above can become practical through BS Collections building
  • Fabchain lab nodes are already self sufficient & polished for utility status (or international equivalents if needed) with a strong focus on SDGs & systems approaches to R&D. 
  • Linking (MIDs & DAOs) of Systems & Exchanges: to enable delegation services so defi access can be abstracted away for everyday people at the systems level; 
  • w/ a different version of proof of hodl that functions as a proof of access built into the business model design & engineering in the ecosystem. Data commons as key mechanism in said models. 
  • The WEF just called for SDGs metrics standardization. Blockchain based certification for above models will aim to pave important paths for standards of SDGs. 
  • The Fabchain & BS ecosystem can also enjoy a first mover’s advantage w/ breadth & depth across industries & fields.