Spending XP

  • A list of (potentially) available Blood Magic Rituals can be found here: Thaumaturgy Rituals

When levelling, all intermediate levels must first be purchased. That is, you must acquire the preceding level before you can purchase the subsequent one. For example, to level a Discipline from 2 to 4, you must first purchase 3 for 3 ✕ 5 = 15 XP before you can buy 4 for 4 ✕ 5 = 20 XP.


XP Cost

Attribute Increase
New level ✕ 5
Blood Sorcery Ritual ★
Ritual level ✕ 3
Clan Discipline
New level ✕ 5
New Specialty
Non-Clan Discipline ★
New level ✕ 7
Skill Increase
New level ✕ 3
A trait with a star (★) indicates that a suitable mentor must first be found.