Social Dilemma Conversation


Mention below the things you wish to touch on, they will be combined into a formal agenda.


  1. Silicon Valley is akin to Ordinary Men
  1. Capitalism’s issues: obligated to shareholders, illegal to harm shareholders


  1. Short overview of the "Social Dilemma" doc
  1. Characters
  1. Adult boy - reddit, facebook
  1. Hot on a girl, but too distracted by social media, to engage.
  1. Adult girl
  1. Already not using social media, aware of concerns
  1. Teenage girl - instagram, snapchat
  1. Obsessed about social validation
  1. Real people
  1. Tristan Harris
  1. Jaron Lanier
  1. Concerns
  1. Advertisement Model: Personalisation
  1. What is advertisement? Changing people’s behaviour
  1. Behaviour modification is sold to the bidder
  1. Behaviour modification is politics
  1. At the extreme level these platforms are mass population behaviour modification to the highest bidder
  1. Previous discussion: Is the first amendment obsolete
  1. Russia propaganda
  1. Chinese propaganda
  1. Their tips — can skip these
  • Turn off notifications or reduce the number of notifications you receive
  • Uninstall social media and news apps that are wasting time
  • Use browser extensions to block recommendations
  • Fact-check before sharing, liking, or commenting when the information looks surprising
  • Obtain sources of information with different perspectives, including sources one might disagree with
  • Do not give devices to children; no screen time.
  • Never accept recommended video on YouTube, Facebook or anywhere
  • Keep devices out of the bedroom after a certain time
  • Do not allow social media use until children reach high school
  1. Discussion points
  1. Conscience, why is forethought not celebrated more?
  1. not important, can skip
  1. Why "social place" is vital – regardless if it's physical or virtual
  1. Collective will, versus social will
  1. An actual Trilemma in tech – Convenience vs Privacy vs Speed