Slipstream May 2018

Chairman’s Message 

By Anele Brooks

Wow! Three years have “literally” flown by and this will be my last Chapter Chair message. Susan Steeb will be taking over as Chapter Chair. She is enthusiastic and excited about aviation and flying, has lots of connections with other chapters and is the perfect person to take our chapter to it's next “rating”!
Marina Luckow shared her brand new shiny“Student Pilot License” with us at our April meeting. We were very impressed, since all of us had been issued the old paper student medical that doubled as our student certificate. Tish shared her pilot's license that she has slightly modified with her own baby picture – we all had a few laughs over her creativity. So, congratulations to Marina, she is officially a student pilot and very shortly will be an official 99!
May 11 & 12, we are co-sponsoring the annual Oceano Airport Celebration. We are sponsoring the BBQ on Friday night – so anyone who would like to help is more than welcome. We are BBQ'ing hamburgers again. Price is $10 - $7 to us and $3 to the band. Old Juan's Cantina is donating food for lunch on Saturday, we will need help serving it. Proceeds will be going to our Scholarship Program! The Oceano events are always fun. It is always nice to be surrounded by people who love GA!
Grace Crittenden is chairing our new Southwest Section Meeting Committee. Please let her know if you would like to help or have ideas for hotels, tours, transportation, etc. We will be hosting the Fall 2019 Section Meeting and need everyone's help to make it a success. Grace has also volunteered to plan a Fly-Out once a month for us and since she has so graciously accepted both those jobs we let her retire as Secretary – that job will be shared by Marina Luckow and me! It is nice to have a new and excited member who wants to be an active member of our Chapter.
Rosemary Lane will be celebrating her 70th anniversary as a 99 on May 18. We have not been able to reach her, but I will bring a card to our May meeting and we can sign it and send it to her at the address on our membership list! [see Grace’s article about Rosemary’s incredible life in March’s Slipstream here]. See you Wednesday, May 2 at the Spirit – 6:00 or earlier if you enjoy visiting!

Minutes of General Meeting

By Grace Crittenden

Special guest Ann Orton is now living in Red Bluff at Squirrel Acres airport. She is visiting her daughter who lives in SLO. She has sold her plane, and now she is flying with her “Sweetie” who has a Cherokee 180 and is active with the UFOs, United Flying Octogenarians. She is here at SBP to host a UFO meeting at the Spirit of San Luis. She got her license at age 78.
Liz Dinan has been a Ninety Nine for 60 years. When she became a member she had go to three meetings and then be invited. She will be doing a presentation at the Estrella Warbirds Museum in October about her flying career.
Tish Jacobs is flying with Pac Aero.
Susan Steeb tells us that her Bonanza is now flying with new cylinders and baffles.
Toni Dyer is working for ACI and she is doing ground school. Once she has passes ground school, she will be able to fly ACI planes for her lessons.
Grace Crittenden has decided to make it a goal to fly every week through the summer, starting in May.
Janice O’Dell was sad to say that her Bonanza is down right now for repairs.
Marina Luckow has her student pilot license and is going to be an official Future Woman Pilot.
We started planning for the 2019 Fall section meeting. Sept 28 to Sept 30 proposed is the date and San Luis Obispo will be the host airport. Susan Steeb will call hotels for information.
Suggested activities were Heast Castle tour, the Estrella Warbird Museum, Wine tasting, Oceano fly-out, movie night. Anele will check into excursions, Tish Jacobs will research transportation options, Janice will organize the Saturday Program. Liz Ruth was suggested as the dinner speaker. Jean Fennimore from Van Nuys will be available to share her experience planning section meetings and we will invite her to come to the next meeting.
We celebrated Liz Dinan's 60 years as a Ninety Nine with an amazing carrot cake. We will all try to help archive and document Liz Dinan’ s flying adventures.
Next meeting we will discuss the Oceano Airport Celebration May 11 and 12. 
It is time for new officers. Susan Steeb will be our new chairman. Tish will vice-chair. Marina Luckow and Anele Brooks will share the recording secretary, Janice O’Dell will continue as treasurer. We are hoping Charly Schaad will continue as the Slipstream editor [she will, the ed.] and that we can entice her to come to one of our meetings [maybe, the ed.]. Elizabeth Dinan will be the membership chair. Grace Crittenden will plan fly-outs.
We are all looking forward to a fun and active year ahead!
The Ninety-Nines Mission Statement:
The Ninety-Nines is the international organization
of women pilots that promotes advancement
of aviation through education, scholarships and
mutual support while honoring our unique history
and sharing our passion for flight.

Dates and Schedules 

May 2
Chapter Meeting at the Spirit of San Luis at 6 pm, social gathering starts at 5:30 pm.
May 11 & 12
Oceano Airport Celebration Day. We are sponsoring the Friday night “Burger Fry” as a fundraiser for our Scholarship Fund.
August 18
Oceano Fly-In Movie Night
October 6 & 7
Central Coast Airfest in Santa Maria
Presentation: Elizabeth Dinan about her flying career at the Estrella Warbirds Museum
(c) 2018 - Monthly Newsletter of the San Luis Obispo Section of the 99s -
For back issues of these Slipstream newsletters, please follow this link.