Setting up a Modern Javascript Project
Goal: Demystify Javascript programming today.

Motivations for Attending

If you have one or more of these desires …

  • I want to deliver my product by giving someone a web address, no installation required.
  • I want to write the same code that works on the web, on mobiles, and on desktops.
  • I want to enhance my webpage but there are no plugins that do what I want it to do.
  • I want to be able to get started in Javascript quickly.
  • I want to know how to debug websites beyond print statements.
  • I want to familiarise myself with technical jargons, but in plain English.
  • I want to find out how others manage their Javascript projects.

… then you are in the right place! 


This talk is not designed for you to code along. Instead, we will go through various concepts to help you get ahead in Javascript. 

The entire presentation will be available, so you don’t have to take any notes. 

Slides are not exhaustive. Feel free to interrupt me with a question anytime. We also have time for questions at the end.

All set? Let’s fly. 🚀 

Part 1: Learn You a Javascript For Great Good 🐘

Crash course on Javascript for elephants of all ages.

This section will …

  • Explain what I mean by “Modern Javascript”.
  • Cover useful, basic Javascript features and its core library.
  • Provide a past-and-future-proof setup for your Javascript project.
  • Demonstrate different ways you can debug anyone’s websites.
  • Answer the Ultimate Question of Programming in Javascript, the Web, and Everything.

This section will not …

  • Describe solutions to specific tasks such as scraping websites, or perform image compression.
  • Touch on web frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.
  • Touch on pipeline frameworks like Browserify, Webpack, or Rollup.

In future sections we will look at NodeJS and advanced tips and tricks. For now, we’ll take a deep dive into pure client-side Javascript.

How is Javascript used?

Javascript powers your web browsers, including some user interface and event handling.

Javascript makes complex interactions possible on the web.

Web servers can be coded in Javascript to handle asynchronous tasks.

What does Javascript have exclusively as an advantage?

Javascript provides browser code execution. If you want to run something on someone else’s computer screen, it is as easy as giving someone a hyperlink.