Sealed Rust Design Meeting



  • James: coming from background in safety critical areas
  • fairly tied to “qualified tool chains”
  • looking for a lang that is well-specified
  • confidence that the program will “do what you intend” but also you need a long lifetime
  • e.g. planes are still in use after 30-40 years
  • would want a toolchain that can last that long
  • always hoped Rust could be a good language for these areas
  • Safety yay!
  • but still some work to go 
  • this is a large set of work that is not necessarily useful outside of this scope
  • don’t want to put a burden
  • Scott: and having a company/entity that is doing that long-term support would be useful regardless
  • Yes. and having a company is a particular plus.
  • Ralf: some of the goals are quite well-aligned with the project, though, right? e.g. a spec
  • James: yes, also a test suite for that spec
  • overhead is probably more things like paperwork, validation against spec
  • non-goal: forking the language :)
  • Ralf: as an academic, I have ideas of what I have in my head when you say spec, but I’m curious what kind of spec is needed for safety critical and to what extent would academic collaboration be useful
  • James: safety critical spec. spend a lot of time talking about what your application needs to do
  • but guidance on “tool qualification” (certifying your tools) is very vague
  • need to have a “level of confidence” that it will “perform to level that is necessary”
  • Historical specs are very prose-driven (e.g., C, Ada, etc)
  • but we are thinking of something more “machine driven”
  • but we should be pragmatic, maybe we can isolate some parts (e.g. borrow checker) and prove properties about them
  • lean on academic support where possible
  • Centril: some parts of compiler seem like they could be formally specified (e.g., the “AST validation” step, using e.g., denotational semantics)
  • Ralf: the operational semantics contains large fragments that wouldn’t be that hard to specify 
  • James: we also have the ability to “subset” the language
  • we might say “you can’t do that in sealed rust” to start
  • or we can add custom rules like “if you use unsafe code you must follow this checklist”
  • end-engineers can have the requirement to check certain requirements
  • this is what MISRA C is, essentially
  • hope is that “safe sealed rust” is kind of like “MISRA Rust”
  • and unsafe might opt into a checklist or something
  • Centril: when adding unstable features, usually very easy to check if they are being used, but if you were trying to subset the language for stable features, that would be harder
  • James: goal would be that “sealed rust” is sort of a “very slow channel”, though I’m not sure how that is best achieved (e.g., slower than stable)
  • Centril: you could use a #[sealed] attribute in stdlib or something like this to “opt-in” to stability at the “sealed” channel level
  • James: process I see is before you apply sealed attribute, you need to have specification + validation work done
  • this means we can take new features and do that work to include feature X in the next sealed release
  • “anything we want to include needs to opt-in to this level of specification”
  • some things can be harder to isolate
  • Ralf: is there a risk that some “old component” would have to live in compiler for 3 years… or something?
  • James: I expect to have one sealed rust major release “per edition”
  • James: I’d expect that something like NLL vs polonius would be more of an impl detail without necessarily changing the spec of what programs are accepted
  • James: I expect long-term support for sealed rust to be done by external funding