The y-axis shows the total time / average memory consumption spent in the allocator, i.e., the time/memory spent in malloc and free.
The x-axis refers to intervals [2^x , 2^(x +2) ) ofobject sizes inbyteswith4 ≤ x ≤ 20 at increments of two. For each object size interval ACDC allocates 2^x KBofnew objects, accesses the objects, andthen deallocates previously allocated objects. This cycle is repeated 30 times. (at thread number = 40)
Virtual span
The y-axis shows the total time / average memory consumption spent in the allocator, i.e., the time/memory spent in malloc and free.
The x-axis refers to intervals [2^x , 2^(x +2) ) of object sizes in bytes with 4 ≤ x ≤ 20 at increments of two. For each object size interval ACDC allocates 2^x KB of new objects, accesses the objects, and then deallocates previously allocated objects. This cycle is repeated 30 times. (at thread number = 40)
Scalable backend
Constant-time frontend