Sample budgets

Rush (the place, not the activity)

Everyone is a kid at heart, especially stressed college students that need to 
blow off some steam. Rush is a new trampoline gymnasium in Athens that allows 
patrons to jump, dive, flip and frolic through a series of foam pits and obstacle courses. Rush Athens also offers a high-intensity cardio fitness class Friday and Saturday mornings at 9:30am. Based off of the personal accounts I’ve heard of people who’ve visited the facility, I would like to explore the physical and mental/emotional benefits of visiting the gym. I think it would be interesting and 
relevant to the University of Georgia community because it’s a way to be active 
and relieve stress.
  • Rush Owner (TBA) 
  • Scottie Gray, UGA Ramsey Fitness & Wellness Assistant Director
  • UGA Health Center Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
  • Athens Skate Inn (similar concept, fun but also active)          
  • student that recently visited Rush

Is the hashtag trend creating a disconnect between the guests and the ceremony? How do brides and grooms feel about people having their phones out during the wedding? Is it going to be a distraction or will it help enough in documenting the day that they don't worry about phones being out? What do wedding planners think of the trend? How does it make weddings different from weddings before the fad?

[Indian] Dance Revolution

The biggest trend in dance competitions right now is stunts. Even if your dance choreography is up to par, if your stunts are not, you will not place. Stunts are very popular with crowds and it is important to make sure they are done properly. Many people that are on these dance teams do not come from a gymnastic background, therefore, dance teams struggle to come up with innovative stunts in their dance routine that another team has not already done.
Interview: UGA Asura, Champa and Chameli, UGA Talwar


The University Health Center’s counseling and psychiatric services, otherwise known as CAPS, has been receiving record high numbers of patients. What could be the cause of this increase in numbers of students who are seeking help for their mental health and what is CAPS doing to accommodate the demand? Have eating disorders played a role?

Barre Exam

Pure Barre, a workout that promises to give you the body of a dancer,  has swept across the nation, finally hitting college towns such as Athens. Will the trend last or is it just another spring break fitness binge?