Overall Process Flow
Dialogue, Deliberation and Systemic Transformation 
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At this point, we need to settle ASAP on next steps, and get an invitation out. We don't necessarily need to align on the whole shebang, but that will need to happen fairly soon too, IMHO. Ben R. 12/22

Process Ideas generally

Here's what's on the table so far
  • World Cafe, online and live (virtual).
  • Open Space for all participants, online and live (virtual).
  • Weekly Bohm Dialogue
  • Peter Block’s full Six Conversations cycle, which began online with Possibility. Continue the cycle online and also perhaps in a live format
  • The Card of the Evening (or a variant thereof)
  • Online journaling/blogging/storytelling about what is happening in the Inquiry

Additional ideas:


Primary Call Flow

Ben R's initial proposal
We are envisioning four calls, that will also be aligned with asynchronous activity on hackpad. Ben R. suggests we consider doing them in this way:
  1. World Cafe to think together about what is in motion and what is possible
  1. Open Space to let the group go where it is most called
  1. Open Space to let the group go where it is most called
  1. World Cafe to think together about what has emerged, what we have learned, and what might be next.
Additional Ideas
An alternative idea for call #4... 
  • I had an intention to practice Bohmian Dialogue online with a group of people, to train them in how to facilitate a Dialogue, while actually doing it. We could do that with a small group of folks committed to learning how to facilitate a Dialogue, then for the last session #4, we could split the whole group up into smaller breakouts, each with their own Dialogue facilitator, and do that for an hour or so. We'd want to leave plenty of room for whole group feedback after, both to debrief the Dialogues, and also to discover next steps. My intention is to have as many folks as possible experience the collective flow of meaning that a Dialogue invites... it gets people wanting to come back for more.


Re Bohm Dialogue
Linda, 12/22
I think tomorrow, when we talk about holding the 4, 3-hour Dialogues, what we might all be reflecting on is what might be the most effective way of opening up the conversation.  Ben L wants to have us experience his technique of one-word sentence building and I'm cool with that.  My particular way of doing it would be to gather the inquiries or questions participants in the Dialogue might be sitting with right now and let everyone see these before the Dialogue.  Then, invite emergent questions/issues to be boarded.  Sit in a moment of silence and then just begin.  Perhaps some of you have other thoughts and perhaps we do both/and approaches.  
Ben and I did discuss this afternoon how we might go about gathering more backgroup information on the participants wanting to be in the Dialogue (especially their experience and background with Bohm Dialogue as well as D & D in general  - what we wanted to gather on the HackPad, but what didn't get gathered) and the questions/interests they would like to see as inquiries in the Dialogue.  We also talked about sending out some reading matter prior to the Dialogue that explains Bohm Dialogue (Ben sent me a couple of things just now I'm going to review I think between Ben L and I we can figure that out) and then how to very quickly get guidelines out and spend some teaching time up front of each call so that everyone is learning as they go and at the end and (Ben's idea) during the middle of the Dialogue hold space for reflection on both process and what we're hearning in terms of 'shared contenct or meaning.   So, I think we might just want to talk tomorrow as a group if there are other thoughts about our expectations for this Dialogue and how best to focus the initial inquiry and opening.