Responsible Data Hackpad
Curated by participants of MERL Tech.
Responsible data is:
The duty to ensure people’s rights to consent, privacy, security and ownership around the information processes of collection, analysis, storage, presentation and reuse of data, while respecting the values of transparency and openness.  (Responsible Data Forum, working definition, September 2014)

A slightly different definition (as outlined in work by Sonjara/mSTAR for USAID) considers responsible data as a balance between 1) responsible data use (e.g., being sure that development organizations actually use the data we collect/that have been collected and shared by others); 2) transparency and accountability (to those we collect data from, to those who fund data collection/use, to the public); and 3) data privacy and security when we are stewarding or using data we have collected.
  • The Responsible Data Forum and mailing list
The Responsible Data Forum is a collaborative effort to develop useful tools and strategies for dealing with the ethical, security and privacy challenges facing data-driven advocacy. It is a collaboration between Amnesty International, Aspiration, The Engine Room, Greenhost, HURIDOCS, Leiden University’s Peace Informatics Lab, Open Knowledge and Ushahidi.

The Humanitarian Meta-Data Problem: Doing No Harm in the Digital Era (2018)
This joint report by Privacy International and the International Committee of the Red Cross aims to provide people who work in the humanitarian sphere with the knowledge they need to understand the risks involved in the use of certain new technologies. It also discusses the “do no harm” principle and how it applies in a digital environment.

How to Balance the Tension Between Open Data and Privacy and Security (2016) blogpost by Siobhan Green and Linda Raftree
Major opportunities for open, interoperable and shared data in international development include improved data for monitoring and evaluation and performance management; improved subnational data; creation of data “assets” by different audiences; re-use and validation of data. However, most of the pros are also cons, and vice versa. For example, open data can improve accountability but it can also increase liability. Tracking personally identifiable information can mean improved transparency but also greater vulnerability. This post provides a summary of a Technology Salon round table discussion.


Privacy International Data Protection Guide (2018) (available in English and Spanish)
A set of tools and guidelines for policy engagement on data privacy. These tools also serve to explain various concepts and provisions.

Oxfam Responsible Data Policy (2016)
A policy which focuses on Oxfam’s commitment to treat programme data with respect and uphold the rights of those whom data is about

ICRC Professional Standards for Protection Work (2013)
The ICRC standards Chapter 6 focuses on managing protection information 

ICRC Data Protection in Humanitarian Action (2017)
This publication builds on previous guidance from the ICRC and includes new guidance on the management of personal data in humanitarian situations, including guidance on data analytics and big data; use of UAVs, drones and satellite imagery; remote sensing; biometrics; cash transfer programming; cloud services and mobile messaging apps.

Using Spatial Data Wisely and Ethically (2017)
A framework for addressing privacy in Geospatial data from Measure Evaluation.

Ethical considerations when using geospatial technologies for evidence generation (2018)
Geospatial technologies have transformed the way we visualize and understand social phenomena and physical environments. There are significant advantages in using these technologies and data however, their use also presents ethical dilemmas such as privacy and security concerns as well as the potential for stigma and discrimination resulting from being associated with particular locations. Therefore, the use of geospatial technologies and resulting data needs to be critically assessed through an ethical lens prior to implementation of programmes, analyses or partnerships. This paper examines the benefits, risks and ethical considerations when undertaking evidence generation using geospatial technologies. It is supplemented by a checklist that may be used as a practical tool to support reflection on the ethical use of geospatial technologies.

Montreal Declaration on Responsible AI (2017)
The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence was announced on November 3, 2017 at the conclusion of the Forum on the Socially Responsible Development of AI, held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The Declaration aims to spark public debate and encourage a progressive and inclusive orientation to the development of AI.