Redux Tutorial @ Mentorship Mornings
We are going to complete the Teropa tutorial listed below as a group over multiple weeks. We are going to learn about Redux, Immutable.js, and many other Javascript-based technologies. 

The Tutorial

The Repo

Helpful Links



July 30

Currying like crazy to generate a function that handles Middleware. Middleware is how we get our Actions to do async tasks, like send data to the server. We hooked up to the client so that we can send events (voting/next) to the server. Defined all our actions now as “action_creators” which is a single file that defines what actions are available in application. We connected OUTgoing actions from react components using connect(mapStateProps, actionsCreators)(Voting); This allowed any function (vote()) in action_creators.js to be made available to the React component that might reference that same function name (vote()). Basically, we connected both props and functions from component to store. Grok the below:

const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(
const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducer);

July 23

Moved our components into “dumb” and “smart” components. Used connect() to wire up a component with the props that it needs to watch on a store.

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    pair: state.getIn(['vote', 'pair']),
    winner: state.get('winner')

export const VotingContainer = connect(mapStateToProps)(Voting);

Argued about closures and what connect() actually does. connect() DOES NOT MUTATE Voting component, instead returns new, smarter components (VotingContainer) that is augmented with knowledge about the pieces of state it cares about.

Question: In “Introducing a Client Side Redux Store”, it is unclear that the reducer_spec.js file is on the server (it is on the server).

Discussion: “call by reference” vs “call by value” vs “call by sharing:

July 16
Covered: Voting results page, react router with App component that wraps it all, rendering sub elements, tested results page, still no vote click, however did the Next click which just runs function we pass to it. 

return React.cloneElement(this.props.children, {pair: pair});