ProShaka - Web App
+clipboard Overview: ProShaka 

Key Objectives:

  1. Create engaging digital profiles
  1. Profiles need to be easily discoverable (feed or search)
  1. Users need to be able to connect through the app

ProShaka - Web App

$15,600 - 2 developers full time (Web, backend)
$3900 - part time Project Management & QA
$190 - 1 hour of design time per month
$250 - 1 hour of consulting
Total per month: $19,940

Month 1 - Setup, Onboarding
Month 2 - User Profile - Talent/Club/Coach
Month 3 - Search, Connect
Month 4 - Chat, Report
Month 5 (Optional) - Subscription, Payments
Month 6 (Optional) - Premium Features
Launch and Testing

Estimated Total Pricing for ProShaka
4*19,940 (4 month MVP) + 9,750 = $109,450

Estimated Total Pricing for ProShaka including Subscription
6*19,940 (6 month MVP) + 9,750 = $129,390

Month 1 (Setup, Onboarding)

  • Mobile Setup
  • Server Setup
  • Tutorial
  • User Accounts & Onboarding
  • Name, Birthday
  • Create Account - Coach
  • Title, Choose Main Sport, Choose 2 Interested Sports, Certification, Photo
  • Excluding Find Friends, Invite Contacts
  • Create Account - Talent
  • Title, Choose Main Sport, Choose 2 Interested Sports, Photo
  • Excluding Find Friends, Invite Contacts
  • Create Account - Club