Possible Areas of Inquiry
  1. Probability Theory as a method for organization
  1. I think probability theory will be more and more important. With the exponentially-growing amount of content, the question of “what are the chances that I’ll ever see this again” need to be mitigated. What can you do to bring that probability as close to 100 as possible? Keywords, organization, UX/IA strategies. What about bring that probability as close to 0 as possible (Right to be forgotten)
  1. Things to learn about:
  1. probability theory
  1. use of probability theory in development of cypto-currencies and blockchain technology
  1. right to be forgotten
  1. random
  1. library sciences
  1. Dewey Decimal
  1. Specimens for a better society
  1. Generative copy/content tool for type design specimens. Could be cool to integrate missing letter texts, but also pangrams for progress.
  1. This is more of a technical challenge than a conceptual one
  1. Is it possible for me to be [a person] and an artist.
  1. LEVEL 1: a daughter, a mother, an aunt, a sister, a wife, a friend
  1. LEVEL 2: a responsible consumer, an employee, sexy, a reader, a thoughtful citizen, well-rested, a person who exercises regularly, getting haircuts, nice, beautiful, on a diet, informed
  1. Is it possible to [be an artist] while being…
  1. Is is possible to [make art] while being…
  1. A series of experiments where I step into each role, and attempt to “make art” while fully being that person/version of a person
  1. This is more of a conceptual challenge vs a technical one
  1. Continuation of Amazon research
  1. Investigative data journalism piece
  1. learn web scraping
  1. organize your research in a way that it could make sense to others
  1. problems with Lin Chunhai vs. problems with Amazon
  1. what assumptions/inferences am I making? Can I turn these into research instead?
  1. reach out to The Markup
  1. Tracking down the woman with the flag:
  1. Santa Trump Flag by Dittelle
  1. Bi-Pride Flag by QIshuo
  1. LGBTQ Pride Flag by MINIOZE
  1. Zoom better
  1. Smart Zoom Chat:
  1. Bookmark command
  1. Accessibility first. also, ways for participants to help participants more. 
  1. “Did anyone catch what was said …”
  1. Link Collection functionality
  1. Ability to like a post or react to a comment
  1. Way to differentiate a side chat or joke; Ability to make something skimmable by a presenter
  1. Universal Greeting Time integrated: http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html
  1. Zoom games
  1. Zoom for video presentations - confidence
  1. Shu’s timeline idea

Areas + Skills Brainstorm Exercise

  1. Written Language/Poetry + Web Development
  1. See if you could develop websites or code sketches while putting poetic constraints on the code:
  1. Can you develop a website in iambic pentameter?