Teachers think the planner provides a clear overview(NO 44)(NL 15) = 59
Easy to use
Teachers think the planner is easy to use(NO 8)(NL 1)(US 46) = 55
Everything in one place
Teachers seem to appreciate that the planner allows them to gather everything in one place, especially resources/activities and learning objectives(NO 10)(US 8) = 18.
Integration with calendar
Teachers also like that the planner is connected to the calendar(NO 7).
1 Cumbersome
In general, teachers feel the planner involves too many clicks, options and settings. It’s overly complicated in their view.
Teachers think itslearning is difficult and unintuitive to use(NO 14)(US 18)(NL 10) = 42
Teachers find it cumbersome to set up plans from scratch(NO 2)
Total: 44
2 Resources/Activities
In general, teachers want to reduce the steps necessary to add files to the Planner. Teachers found adding, editing and changing the order of resources difficult(US 6)(NO 6) = 12
Teachers expressed a wish that they could simply enter text in the“Resources and activites” column, instead of going through the longer process of uploading content(US 3).
Teachers find it cumbersome to upload content(NO 1)
Teachers want links to appear in the Add menu(NO 3).
Teachers want to drag and drop files from their computer(NO 1)
Teachers want to create activities from the Planner(NO 1)
Teachers want to decide what options should be in the menu(US 1).
Teachers want auto-creation of plan folders to be optional(NO 4)(US 1) = 5. They are not aware of this setting.
Teachers think the way files are added to resources from the Planner is chaotic(NO 2)(US 1) = 3.
Total: 30
3 Sorting
Teachers get confused when we automatically sort by upcoming and previous plans(NO 6).
Teachers want plans to automatically sort by date(NO 5)(US 5) = 10
Teachers want a new plan to be added on top(NO 3)(NL 1)(US 5) = 9. This was also echoed in our usability test with other teachers.
Issues with non-chronological ordering of plans has been discovered multiple times and a solution to make the order chronological by default in the backlog for the UX Panda team.
Total: 25
4 Copy
Teachers want it to be easier to copy elements(NO 4)(NL 5)(US 11) = 20.
Particularly they want to easier copy a plan to one or more courses.
They also want to copy a plan on the same page.
Teachers complain that files in plans disappear or don’t work(NO 2)(NL 1) = 3. Bug?