📋 Plan du projet : Peace Lodge- Bunk House
Below are the aspects of the Peace Lodge project needing collaborative support from our community
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Construction Materials 

Here is a list of construction materials we would be happy to receive as donations to aid in the construction of the Peace Lodge. Contact us here for more information. The materials can be dropped of at this address.

  • Lumber
  • Any dimensional lumber (2x4x8' or larger) in good condition
  • Mass timber
  • Lumber sheets
  • Plywood sheets
  • OSB sheets
  • Hemp
  • Hemp/Cannabis stalks
  • Hemp hurds
  • Foundation
  • Cement
  • Concrete aggregate
  • Rebars
  • Earthen materials
  • Clay
  • Sand
  • Lime
  • Roofing materials
  • Metal roofing
  • Fasteners
  • Bolts 
  • Screws
  • Nails 
  • Construction equipment, tools 

Promotional Video

Below is an outline of ideas that can be integrated in the promotional video for the Peace Lodge crowdfunding page. It is aimed to be 7-8 minutes long, though a shorter 2-3 minute video could also be made. Feel free to add your ideas or comments.
Time (s)

For the Kanienkehaka, the forest and the garden are our …. , and the longhouse is the … where the fire always burns and all are welcome.
Wahiekeron (in Kanienkeha)
Wahiakeron in the garden (close up of face from the side)
Drone shots
close up of three sisters
Colonization has all but destroyed our harmonious way of life, our culture, our language.
Wahiekeron (in Kanienkeha)
Pan over historical footage and illustrations
What little remains, we are holding onto it for everyone’s sake, for it is the key to our peaceful existence on our mother earth
Wahiekeron (in Kanienkeha)
Slow motion Wahiakeron walking through the garden, steady cam
We owe it to the world and our children to share our knowledge, wisdom thousands of years in the making. We want to welcome and host all those who want learn the way of peace. This is where the Peace Lodge comes in.
Pan over two-row wampum, head dress, dried corn, etc. (any relevant cultural items), Pan over image of traditional longhouse in a book. 
The Peace Lodge is a longhouse fit for the needs of today and future generations. Aligned with our traditional values, it will be made of ecological materials, support a communal lifestyle, and be built by our community and everyone who wants to participate.
Pan over printed blueprints and sketches of the Peace Lodge in dappled sunlight
The Peace Lodge doesn’t just represent the future of indigenous buildings. It’s a revolutionary step in grass-roots reconciliation, one that will bridge the gap between ancient knowledge and the modern framework of holistic sustainability
Pan over printed blueprints and sketches of the Peace Lodge in dappled sunlight

Since the Indian Act was passed in 1876, all indigenous reserves have been forced into an inherently corrupt system of governance though the electoral system called the band council. This was never our way. We, the Kanienkehaka Traditional Council, are the only organization not affiliated with the Band Council. We actively practice and promote the traditional laws that kept ourpeople living in peace for hundreds of years. This is what we know as the Great Law of Peace. We are continually engaging the public with knowledge of the Great Law that is rarely heard, through Moon Teachings, Weekly public zoom meetings, Kaniekeha language classes, law recitals, traditional ceremonies, and much more.
Interview style (two camera angles)
Shots related to Band Council?
Shot from events, meeting, moon teachings, children, law recitals, etc.
Currently, the only functional building here is a repurposed garage. Its modest size and limited functionality make it difficult to host large meetings and workshops, and there’s no place for guests to stay the night. This is particularly important as many visitors travel very far to get here, only to have to camp, sleep in their cars, or be forced to find lodging elsewhere in the cold months. The Peace Lodge will address these needs in a revolutionary way. It will be the open door for the people to integrate themselves in indigenous culture and create meaningful collaborations and allyships. 
Shots of the garage, outside/inside