đź“ť Penn Week 5a Notes

“Hand Made” Social Networks

Discussion Questions

  1. How do these sites differ from larger platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook?
  1. How do these websites speak to ideas of inclusivity and access? Do they have defined audiences in mind?
  1. Do you see a desire for smaller “hand made” sites outside of niche art communities? Why or why not?
  1. Could these websites be described as counter culture? Why or why not?
  1. What makes something “punk rock” and how is that communicated visually?

đź““ Notes: Git and GitHub

  • đź’ˇ Note: You will need to review these instructions to turn in your Explainer project. These notes tell you how to get a URL.

1. What is Git?

What is it used for
Git is the underlying software that we use when we use GitHub. It’s a version control system – this means that it saves your work so you don’t have a myriad of files. When you save your work to GitHub, you’re able to view all previous versions of the files and revert to them if you wish. Super handy when you make a mistake! It’s also helpful when working in teams.

Where did it come from?
Git was created by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish software engineer. He also created Linux kernel which is a low-level operating system that was very influential in modern computing.

2. GitHub and GitHub Desktop Installation

What is GitHub?
GitHub is a website that makes it easy to access Git files. It is a for-profit service now owned by Microsoft. 

👉 Action Item
  1.  Go to https://desktop.github.com/ and download for macOS or Windows. This is the GitHub desktop app. Expand the zip file and open it up.

  1. If you already have an account on GitHub.com, you can use it. If you don’t have one, create one now and verify your email address.