We have a guest coming to class on Wednesday! Shivam Sinha, a graphic designer and creative coder will stop by during our class to share a little about their design practice and experiences after graduating Parsons in 2020. Since graduating, Shivam has worked at Pentagram under Emily Oberman’s team and is currently at Work & Co.
Data visualizations are often used to encode meaning from raw information, and the raw information is often data.
Mark Hansen, Director of the Brown Institute at Columbia University, views data as an action, rather than a noun. Doing so allows you to think about the process of collecting data, the ethics behind this, and new ways of visualizing it. I.E not just finite values, but understanding the process those values were collecting and what they’re able to communicate.
Review Building on an Interface Designs
✷ Introduce Final Project: Personal Data
📓 Data Visualization Notes
What is Data / What is Data Visualization
Different Types of Data
Introduction to SAS. UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group.
from https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/whatstat/what-is-the-difference-between-categorical-ordinal-and-interval-variables/ (accessed November 14, 2021).