Paper Reading and Discussion #8
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Date: 20th June 2020

Title: VirTex: Learning Visual Representations from Textual Annotations

Authors: Karan Desai, Justin Johnson

Abstract: The de-facto approach to many vision tasks is to start from pretrained visual representations, typically learned via supervised training on ImageNet. Recent methods have explored unsupervised pretraining to scale to vast quantities of unlabeled images. In contrast, we aim to learn high-quality visual representations from fewer images. To this end, we revisit supervised pretraining, and seek data-efficient alternatives to classification-based pretraining. We propose VirTex -- a pretraining approach using semantically dense captions to learn visual representations. We train convolutional networks from scratch on COCO Captions, and transfer them to downstream recognition tasks including image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation. On all tasks, VirTex yields features that match or exceed those learned on ImageNet -- supervised or unsupervised -- despite using up to ten times fewer images.

Link to code:

Slack channel: #paper_reading_8


Why Paper Reading/Discussion?
  • Enable a fun and open place to discuss about the latest research in NLP and ML
  • Keeping up with the fast pace of ML and NLP research
  • Create a community where you can feel free to bounce off ideas/start conversations and always know that you are welcome to do so 
  • Connect and engage with academics and industry practitioners


  • Format of the paper reading sessions
  • Silent reading (~30 minutes) (Assumed you read the paper already!)
  • Open Discussion / Q&A (~60 minutes)
  • Note taking, especially during discussions (Volunteers! 🙏 )
  • GitHub repo to upload notes and track discussions

  • Next meeting we will allow direct registration to get access to the zoom call without needing to know password.

While reading the paper, we encourage you to post your notes/comments/summaries of what you understood from the paper (Use the sections below to determine where notes/comments/summaries should go). You can also include your questions below. 

Discussion 🤓 

Discuss the motivation and objectives of this paper at a high level. As we read through the paper we can all take notes on the points we found important to emphasize and have further discussion about.
  1. “Semantically dense representation” [Explain like I am 5].