PRESSKIT                                         among us women -በኛ በሴቶች መካከል 
A collaborative film about birth, empowerment and female companionship in a changing society.



Despite all medical advice, young Huluager wants to give birth at home. Between tradition and modernity, patriarchal structures and the complex power of female companionship, the women and midwives in the village of Megendi wrestle with their relationship to their bodies, to each other, and to all those who want to decide for them.   

Documentary Feature, 93 minutes, Cinemascope
Language: Amharic
TV-Version short: 50 Minuten
Subtitles: German, English, French
Voice-Over Versions: Ewe,  Afan Oromo, Tigrigna und Somali, Ethiopian Sign language

World premiere: 26.10.2021, DOK Leipzig, International Competition

Awards and Nominations: 

Award for Best doc on survival of indigenous peoples, XXXVII Pärnu Film Festival 2023
Award for Best Film at XX Element Competition: Porto Femme 2023
Award for Best Editing at the Vancouver International Women in Film Festival (VIWFF) 2023
Award for Best Emerging Filmmaker, Documentary Feature at the Women's Voices Now 2023, California, USA
First Prize of the SIGNIS jury in the International Competition of FIDBA Buenos Aires International Documentary Festival 2022
Grand Prix Documentaire at Festival International du Film de Femmes de Salé in Morocco 2022, 26.9.2022
Honorable Mention Filmpreis Globale Perspektiven 2022 - special recommendation for educational purposes
Award for Best Cinematography at MIFF in India 2022 
Honorable Mention at 64th DOK Leipzig 2021 in the International Competition

Nomination for African Studies Association Film Prize, 2023, African Studies Association
Nomination for Roman Brodmann Prize 2023
Nomination for Deutscher Menschenrechtsfilmpreis 2022, Catergory: Hochschule
Nomination for the VFF Production Award at dok.fest Munich 2022
Nomination for Students Award at dok.fest Munich 2022
Nomination for German Documentary Film Music Award at dok.fest Munich 2022
Nomination for the Editing Award 2022 at “Deutscher Kamerapreis” 2022
Nomination for DEFA Sponsoring Prize, FIPRESCI Prize, Goethe-Institut Documentary Film Prize, Prize of the Interreligious Jury at DOK Leipzig 2022

Festival History:
HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival – Oslo, Norway , 4 -10 MARCH 2024 
XXXVII Pärnu Film Festival - Pärnu, Estonia, 03 - 09 JULY 2023
Through her eyes Film Festival, Stuttgart, Germany, 13 MAY 2023
Trento International Filmfestival - Trento, Italy, 28APRIL - 07 MAY 2023
Global Health Film Days - Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 APRIL 2023
Porto Femme, Competition XX Element, Porto, Portugal, 18 APRIL - 23 APRIL
International Filmfestival Assen, Assen, Netherlands, 10-12 MARCH, 2023
Women in motion Filmfestival, Accra, Ghana, March 09,2023
Vancouver International Women in Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada, 07-11 MARCH 2023