Round 2 Room 25
Dialogue, Deliberation and Systemic Transformation 
"What would keep you coming back?"
Who is here?
@Hina Pendle
John Spady, Seattle :-)
@Robert Corman
Nancy Glock-Grueneich
John: Community! Even a "sense" of a community that is emerging...
  • John: WIlling to offer any assistance from my nacent "National Dialogue Network"... it has tools to track opinions broken out by location and other demographics. Just a quiet offer after hearing this group.
  • John: Yes, Nancy: Collaboration is critical!
  • John: My contact info: 206-465-6963,
Robert: If there is a sense of shared progress and interest in struggling thru the messiness of getting clarity. I believe in that though not a clear path forward but capacity can emerge that lets us do that, then I'm excited by the journey.
  • Robert: Acquire an awareness of what is actually working. A set of principles would include how "how all things are connected". Challenges aren't isolated. 
Hina-I'd be happy for a shared purpose, using community conversations approach, 
Nancy- share victories. Lots of moral support need for this work.How to get a multiplier effect. Shared purpose mutual support.  Ability to track progress and aggregate conversations, building one upon the next.  Move conversations into awareness of what is working.
Hina-create a nationwide network of community conversations, a presence of periodic/monthly and collect feedback nationally.
Hina: Purpose! Helps to keep coming back. How to make national community conversations visible to all the other groups that are (also) doing community conversations.
How all things are interconnected, practically as well as spiritually. Need to see how problems interconnect and are not isolated. More willingness across the country to see how health care, social justice, environment, policy cruelty
Nancy- Naomi Klein's solutions-emerging recognition of the interconnection. joining togehter to reinforce each other.
John. Resonating with what's being said. Whatever we have organizational connections give us opening, but recognizing our own limits, we can collectively build the larger solutions. Promote the most local conversations into these larger ones.
Hina. I like what you're saying. What would keep me coming back would be a sense of common purpose, a national network, to say, for example, a shared theme nationwide for a month and harvest the results. Any community could jump in. John, digitally, how might this fit in? 831-431-3869 ("Dr. G") 831-662-2232
John: My contact info: 206-465-6963,
Silent Harvest
"What possiblities inspires you about this inquiry and what is one thing that is crucial to its success?"
Becoming meta-cognitively aware of our own self-organizing process so that we might model something that is possible for other organizations.  
The promise of looking at issues of concern as inextricably connected and helping others out there see that solutions are implementable only if they are factoring in the connections across multiple fields is important to me.  Simultaneosly, I think there is a willingness to acknowlegede the organizational integrity that must be built if this is a cohesive national effort, but, having said that there is a playing out of the deployment of our efforts through a more rgional reality.