Below is a 3 dimensional model that helps us build a shared understanding across the various disciplines (Legal, Policy, Operations, Technology and Bio Economics) about what we mean by a governance system at FFA.
Governance is the business of shaping the behavior of the Entities (and Assets) that operate within a system. We shape this behavior by imposing constraints in various Domains. We ensure these constraints are adhered to by carrying out a variety of Functions:

What are Governed Entities?

These are the things that you want to shape the behavior of.
  • Organisation
  • Company
  • Distributor
  • Processor
  • Importer
  • Exporter
  • Agency
  • Association
  • Military Organisation
  • Law Enforcement Agency
  • Government Department
  • Non-Government Department
  • Inter-Governmental Organisation
  • People
  • Captain
  • Fishing Master
  • Engineer
  • Crew
  • Agent
  • Asset
  • Vessel
  • Factory / Processing Plant
  • Cold Stores
  • Ports
  • MTU
  • FAD
  • IoT Devices / Vessel Sensors

What are Governance Functions? 

These are the activities that you carry out to help shape the behavior of entities. 
  • Registration: All entities and assets operating within a jurisdiction MUST be registered and uniquely identify .
  • Verification: Claims about an entity or asset MUST be verified.
  • White-listing: Once verified as legitimate an entity OR asset SHOULD be white-listed by the government.
  • Authorization: All entities SHOULD then be allowed to carry out the activities they have been permitted to do if they have been white-listed. 
  • These authorizations usually take the form of Licenses, Certificates, Permits etc. that are issued to entities and their assets. 
  • Monitoring: All entities activities MUST be monitored to build up a history of behavior.  
  • Inspection: All entities MUST be periodically inspected to ensure compliant behavior.
  • Assessing:  A risk assessment SHOULD be carried out on any suspicious activities picked up through monitoring. These suspicious activities should then be flagged.
  • Surveillance: Targeted surveillance SHOULD be carried out on suspicious entities.
  • Investigation: If an entity that is caught not complying with the rules SHOULD be investigated.
  • Prosecution: If enough evidence is collected to prosecute an entity, the entity SHOULD be prosecuted in a court of law to determine if they are guilty or not.
  • Blacklisting: If an entity is found guilty the entity MUST be blacklisted.

What are Governance Layers? 

These are where constraints can be imposed on a system to shape behavior.
  • International agreements are formal understandings or commitments between two or more countries. An agreement between two countries is called “bilateral,” while an agreement between several countries is “multilateral.” The countries bound by an international agreement are generally referred to as “States Parties.” International agreements constrain what can and can’t be done by “State Parties”.