x📋 ( moved)Overview: Patternfield App
A platform where designers of surface art (e.g. illustrators) can show a portfolio to be found by commercial buyers (e.g. Proctor and Gamble). No transactions or % commission on the platform. Like Behance or Patternbank.
Client Expectations

Design 🌱 | In Development 🔨 | Launched | Retainer 🥳 
Project Style
Link to client resources
Key Objectives
  1. Surface art designers to showcase their designs to get discovered by potential buyers.
  1. App to earn revenue through subscription from designers and provide them with “who’s viewed your profile” and other market statistics.
  1. Buyers to have one place to be informed of trends and find designs to be used by their brands.
Business Model
v1 - subscription fee for designers, for an online portfolio
According to Nerida, it’s very important “needs to be about quality of buyers not quantity of buyers”
We need to vet the buyers not the designers.

To consider:
  • no transactions on platform. how to monetise value exchange?
  • how to monetise buyers?
Growth Model
Promote via existing business and social platforms
Nerida Hansen (founder) - nerida@neridahansen.com
Client Persona
Nerida is easy to talk to and understands what is needed as an MVP.
Low-mid tech, extraverted, sweet, well rounded in her industry, has goals and loves to share information, takes notes on everything and tries to learn whats happening, and super engaged.
Goals (She made a survey with her clients about income)
65 respondents:
60% of designers say that this business is not of income
30% of designers sat that this is most of their income
10% of designers say that this is 100% of their income
Android users (how many of them in her current clientbase)
20% of designers say that
BDM: @Zane S 
Product Owner: @Michael L 
Designer: @Janice J 
BA: @Jesiree Anne G @Abz G 
iOS: @Vince (lead), @marjune, @Axel Campaña
BE: @JR Hugo (lead), @Paul Eric Anque
PM: @Sherwin
QA: @Lawrence @Charles Michael T 

Balsamiq CMS Mockup
Important files
Git Repositories