Publishers encourage – make that expect – authors to write and publish op-eds and commentaries based on their books, to help with promotion and to showcase the author’s expertise and writing style.
Assignment: Write a 700–1,200-word op-ed/commentary based on your book project or a related subject or issue. Due midnight Oct. 15. Submit as a MS Word attachment to Stephen.E.Kimber@gmail.com
Op-Ed/Commentary Assignment Rubric (Mark: 30%)
Analysis and Relevance to Student’s Project and Expertise
Provides the reader with a clear, thoughtful analysis of an issue or subject related to the student’s book project.
Provides the reader with an acceptable analysis of an issue or subject related to the student’s book project.
Fails to provide the reader with a clear analysis of an issue or subject related to the student’s book project.
Writing Style
and Readability
The writing is compelling. Hooks the reader and sustains interest throughout.
The writing is engaging, but has dry spots.  In general, it keeps the reader's attention.
The writing has little personality.  The reader quickly loses interest and stops reading.