One-Page Pitch
  • Write a one-page — 350 word maximum — pitch for your book project. Think of this as a slightly extended version of what you might find on the inside flap of your hardcover, or on the back cover of your paperback. Intrigue us, but don’t give away the ending. Sell, but don’t oversell. Make us want to buy in a way that won’t disappoint us when we read the book.
  • Title:
  • Subtitle:
  • Author:
  • Description: Buyers read cover copy the way they browse the newspaper. The first paragraph must grab their interest and attention. Subsequent paragraphs should flesh out the story. What is the most important and/or timely selling point about your book? Think journalism 101: who, what, when, where, how and why and communicate this message in your lead paragraph. Don’t make the buyer dig for the most salient points.”
  • Deadline: Midnight June 30
All pitches will be posted in Dropbox — I’ll do that — allowing you and your classmates to review each other’s pitches and offer feedback and  suggestions – input that is thoughtful and constructive. You will review and offer a brief response (100 words or so, in point-form bullet lists) to 5 other pitches. You can find links to all the pitches 
Deadline for responses to 5 other pitches: Midnight July 15