Olena’s UXF reading list v0.2

1. Books:

Foundational reading on research and design processes, activities and deliverables:
Check your workplace subscriptions, some titles may be already available! For example, Understanding Your Users can be obtained through Sciencedirect/Elsevier access.

  1. Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Research Methods by Kathy Baxter et al. (2015). Personally, I think this is one of the best books on why and how to plan, organise, run and analyse research. 
  1. Interviewing users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights by Steve Portugal (2008)
  1. Validating Product Ideas: Thorough Lean User Research by Tomer Sharon (2016)
  1. Designing Connected Content: Plan and Model Digital Products for Today and Tomorrow by Carrie Hane & Mike Atherton (2017)
  1. A Practical Guide to Information Architecture by Donna Spencer (2010)
  1. Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers (2010)
  1. Communicating Design by Dan M Brown (2008)

+ Just Enough Research (second edition, fall 2019)

Outside design:
Getting more by Stuart Diamond (2010) — a book on negotiations by INSEAD professor

2. Articles on user research & methods

Userzoom academy: you’ll need to register first and they are showing examples of their tool, but the explanations are good:
“Nokia story”:

Google Ventures library, especially Michael Margolis on practical aspects of user research:

3. Videos

4. Detailed reading on personas

Microsoft Research - Personas: Practice and Theory
Kim Goodwin - Perfecting your personas
Indi Young - The Squabble over personas

Boo Hiss Personas (Bay CHI panel discussion, start from ~3:30)

Avoiding BS personas: audio and slides from SXSW 2012 about personas for lynda.com
