Visit the updated Alt_Shift Description and Aurelie’s Title suggestion together. Everyone filled in the Peer learning and bios? +Altering Practices for Urban Inclusion keep the document tidy please
Petra Pferdmenges wants to be a collaborator not only a friend.
FRONTIERS PROJECT Concept mapping: paper post it, twines, projection device. Formerly known as the Book? project (Burak)+Book
Discussion of the future plans of the collaboratorssharing planned research actions which can be interesting/open to other collaborators… ongoing publications/ abstracts / in preparation/ submitted / accepted for each collaborator
Research Group name suggestion
→ everyone agrees we are dealing with‘spatial’ practices
→ do we need the‘urban’ before‘inclusion’? - will we work
→ the shorter the better
Petra Pferdmenges
→ she wants to be a collaborator not only a friend
→ we decided that she is welcome to join
→ a protocol should be developed(see below)
Mapping of the book content and people
Discussion of the future plans of the collaborators
→ the aim is to share planned research actions which can be interesting/open to other collaborators… ongoing publications/ abstracts / in preparation/ submitted / accepted for each collaborator
→ connecting to concrete cases & spaces we are working on!
→ call to everyone @doc: please add your name with the topics you are working on(as a leader or as a contributor) + add topics(if needed) + projects/cases in the document: +Book
→ @Rosa H will make a mind map/network map of this - it will be related to the network map - everyone will be able to collaborate to it
Meeting Agenda 26/10
2 presentations by collaborators@Hanne V?Discussion
Research Group name suggestion
Petra Pferdmenges
Mapping of the book content and people
Discussion of the future plans of the collaborators
Frontiers project (formerly known as the Book Project (Burak)
Collective Tasks