Tutorial 2) Basic instructions for EUDAQ2 code

Updated 16/06/2023

  • Further details on beam tests can be found here (link)

1) Read carefully before starting

The daq board and the sensors are very delicate! They can be damaged by mechanical distress, rapid changes of V or currents, wrong setups…

  • Make sure that the sensor is always properly protected with the dedicated plastic screen
  • While you take data, cover the sensor with the piece of dark fabric you will find on the desk.
  • Don’t change the setup (tensions included) unless you know what you are doing. Always ask if you have doubts .. 

2) Basic setup: 

Connect to the server installed in B23 (password: TowerJazz)
ssh -Y tbuser@pcepaid02

Then you can power the board. If you are at B23, just press Ch1 and Output. The power supply should look as in the photo below:

3) Identify and program the DAQ board: 

Go to the folder where the DAQ software of ALPIDE is installed
cd alpide-daq-software

In addition, check which devices are found  with"
alpide-daq-program -l 

If everything is properly set, you should see the following output:
1 device(s) with unprogrammed FX3 firmware found:
- DAQ-00090611004E150B (bus: 1, address 7)

Then you need to program the board, by installing the following version of the FW:

alpide-daq-program --fpga fpga.bit --all
Check that you have successfully programmed the firmware. As as result, you should see the following output:

FPGA programming DONE

3b) Run the threshold scan:

After having reprogrammed all the FPGAs with the command listed above
cd alpide-daq-software
alpide-daq-program --fpga fpga.bit --all
cd scripts 
./thr_tune.py FULL | tee thr_tuning_log.txt

4) Configure: 

Now you are ready for moving to the next step. Move to the user directory of eudaq2

cd ../eudaq2/user/ITS3/misc

In this folder, the two important files are: