NEAR Product & UX Guild


The NEAR Core team has created a unique tech stack that truly is the infrastructure for innovation of the Web 3.0. One of the core pillars of this stack is a strong focus on the User Experience (UX): give developers and founders the ability to create a Web 3.0 app that feels like Web 2.0, opening the floodgates for mass adoption. 

The NEAR Product and UX Guild goes beyond what the technology can go - which has been the primary focus until now - and focuses on how the NEAR components can be leveraged to build great products.


Up until now, developers have had technical constraints at a systems level that largely shaped the User Experience of their products. The sub-par experience has not been an impediment for early growth as the users, builders and investors are often the same people, meaning that they are willing to endure slow and expensive processes full of friction in order to validate their ideas

We have a unique opportunity to introduce developers to the best Product (UX, UI, Design, etc.) practices and to introduce Designers and other creative problem solvers to crypto ecosystem. 


  • Establish NEAR as the best place to develop consumer apps
  • Increase the visibility of products developed on NEAR
  • Grow the NEAR ecosystem by liaising with and integrating communities that are needed and underrepresented (such as Product Managers and Designers) to the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Provide developers on NEAR with a range of tools and materials to enable them to take full advantage of NEAR’s infrastructure, and allowing them to build better apps

Distribution Channels

Each distribution channel has a unique format that lends itself for different types of content, for different purposes and often targeted at different customer segments.

Having an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, an understanding of where our users live, and a cohesive strategy to have quality content across all of them in a way that complements itself is crucial. Below is a summary of the key platforms the Silicon Craftsmen guild will tackle, the type of content and key resources or considerations for each:

  1. Blog - Tutorials, Case Studies, 
  1. Website - Original Blog Posts, drive traffic (SEO)
  1. Medium 
  1. Twitter - Inforgraphics, Threads, Organic Engagement 
  1. - build up archive of Threads that can be easily searched.
  1. TweetDeck - facilittates genuine engagement with large groups of people, allows for monitoring of key words, accounts, lists, etc.
  1. YouTube - Tutorials, Demos, Interviews
  1. Descript - screen recording and video editing tool
  1. Loom - screen recording tool
  1. TikTok - Feature showcase, quick tutorials and demos. 
  1. Outreach - provide incentives for TikTok natives to use the information we provide them (repurpose from other channels) to make their own content. Request payouts via DAO.
  1. Instagram - 
  1. Repurpose content such as Infographics from Twitter, Videos from TikTok.
  1. Reddit
  1. Relayer - share content created for all of the channels above. Rely on NEAR community to help spread awareness and content there.

Customer Segments

Due to the early stage of the ecosystem we have a major role to play in the journey of several key groups of users. It is important that for every piece of content produced there is a clear understanding of the target audience is and what they are trying to achieve.

  1. Retail Users 
  1. Onboarding & Education
  1. NEAR Community Ambassadors
  1. Resources that can be easily shared by other community members helping spread the word and onboard new people.
  1. Developers
  1. Showcase NEAR Features, Educate [Support and Amplify Core Team Dev Rem Team]
  1. Product and Design Community
  1. Bridge the Web 2.0 Product and Design Communities with the Web 3.0 Developers. Thought provoking and intellectually stimulating conversations to advance the ecosystem.

Products / Deliverables