Mosky’s Mini-Scrum
= A minimalist's Scrum


Deliver impact that fits requirements with minimal effort.


  • Weekly meetings to have the below types of agenda items, and be flexible on the period.
  • Monthly meetings with leaders to have the below types of agenda items.
  • On-demand text/oral discussions to have the below types of agenda items.
  • An instant messaging group like a channel in Slack to have text records, quick text syncs, and requesting oral syncs.
  • Note each series of meetings should have the same people to maintain the same context, which makes the communication efficient.

Agenda Item Types

  • Review
  • Collect feedbacks from the current works, including ideas, draft plans, plans (including goals, roadmaps, schedules, etc.), requirements, charts (like flow charts), diagrams (like sequence diagrams), coarse specs (may be in a bullet list), wireframes, mockups, fine specs (may be at n-px precision), design/engineering prototypes, release candidates, reports, and analyses.
  • The “prototype” refers to the work-in-progress which may not function properly but helps team understand.
  • The why-requirements-impact, role-responsibility, link-among-people, to-be-as-is-gap, weekly-milestones, on-off-track-at-risk may be helpful.
  • Planning
  • Confirm what will be seen in the next meeting or the future meetings.
  • The edit-to-fit-meetings, pick-sort-align, impact-effort, date-sectioned-list, Extended-SDLC may be helpful.
  • Retrospective
  • Collect thoughts from the collaboration.
  • Note that Retro is not Criticism nor Review.
  • The thanks-good-better-ideas, better-in-private may be helpful.
  • The thanks-only, host-thanks-others-first, thanks-chain, thanks-for-telling, different-host, ask-if-better, facts-as-inputs may be helpful.

See Also

Latest Synced: 2022/9/12