How to Install the Processor Component using Docker
In this quick tutorial, we are going to get you up and running with the Processor Component. The Processor Component is the central control for the FFBO architecture. It deals with authentication, setting up connections between distal components, and server maintenance. The Processor is required for a complete, functioning FFBO system. We are going to use a docker container, which will expose a public website, and the ability to connect through web sockets. Docker is a container system that will install all the required packages in an isolated system so that they do not interact with your current installation. We are assuming that we are running on Ubuntu 14.04, and you will need both docker and git installed.
  1.  Ubuntu operating system
  1. code has been developed and tested on ubuntu 14.04
  1.  have git installed
  1. follow the instruction here
  1. Install Docker
  1. follow the instructions here
We can validate these dependencies by running the following command to test your Linux distribution
lsb_release -r
We can validate that git is installed using the command below. if you see "git: command not found" then you will need to install it as detailed in the link above.
git --version
Using similar logic, we can validate docker using, and we are looking for a version above 1.11.2
docker --version
Assuming we have the above dependencies installed, we can continue to build, run, and interact with the docker container, by cloning the Processor Component repository, building the docker file, and running the container.
Create a new directory for all ffbo packages
mkdir ffbo
cd ffbo
Clone NeuroNLP and NeuroGFX Repositories
Clone the Repo
Navigate to the Docker Folder
cd ffbo.processor_component/docker
Build the Docker File
Run the Dockerfile
Validate the container is running
docker ps
Visit the Local Web Page at
Next Steps
After getting the Processor Up and running we suggest you look at getting some other components that will interact with the processor such as +NeuroNLP and +NeuroArch. When you are familiar with the architecture, you can start creating
your own components using +Python and +Javascript.
Possible Errors with Running the Docker Image