Our Missionaries
This Page is Under Construction / South Side Bible Church / Updated May 2019

Jim and Janice Dahl

Jim and Janice serve in Amsterdam with WorldVenture at Tyndale Theological Seminary.  We have been supporting them since 1994.

Email at: dahlhaus@worldventure.net

Mel and Deanna Ferguson

Mel and Deanna Ferguson have been supported by South Side for 51 years, since 1966.  They served with South American Missions in Bolivia and are now retired and live in Goshen Indiana near family.

Email at: mdfergy1@comcast.net or mdfergy@hotmail.com

Levi and Robyn Lenz

Levi and Robyn are serving with Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes) in Papua New Guinea.  They are working in Bible translation serving the North Wahgi people.  We have supported them since 2014, and known and prayed for them much longer!

From their Website / In mid-2009 our family left the Madang province where we served for nearly three years and joined a team of two couples working among the North Wahgi people located in the Jiwaka province of Papua New Guinea.

The people of North Wahgi, like many areas in the highlands have been highly missionized, but not evangelized. Their ancestral beliefs have been syncretized along with what partial truths and false gospels they have been taught. This has largely resulted in a group of people who view God in the same light as they view the ancestral spirits, believing that He can be manipulated in order to get a desired outcome.

In November 2011 our team kicked off the first phase of the chronological Bible teaching. After just over 7 weeks of daily teaching, we taught on the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. While the majority of those attending the teaching have fallen away, the Lord has blessed us with a small handful of believers who have continued coming to the teaching and we can see tremendous growth in them. Pray for these ones to continue to be faithful to coming and being fed from the Bread of Life.

Email at: levi-robyn_lenz@ntm.org

Melissa Moskowitz

Melissa serves with Jews for Jesus.  We have supported her and her late husband Jahn for 21 years.

From the Jews for Jesus Website / Melissa Moskowitz has been a part of Jews for Jesus since 1976. She was born and raised in the Bronx and came to believe in Jesus while in college. Throughout her 40 years of service with the ministry, she's had the opportunity to use her giftings in youth and young adult work; in publications; through photography; and for the past 16 years in young adult ministry. Currently living on the west side of Los Angeles (to be closer to her grandson), Melissa maintains a monthly Shabbat fellowship for young adults and other events for the LA young adult community. A new initiative for the LA branch that Melissa is spearheading is ArtShareCollective/LA, a visionary community of Jewish believing artists who desire to use their creativity for the Gospel.

Email at: melissa.moskowitz@jewsforjesus.org

Sheldon and Vicki Rhodes

Sheldon and Vicki serve with Jest Kidding and Goliath’s Spear. South Side has supported Sheldon for 31 years.

Email at: srhodes@jestkidding.com

Al and Chris Ross