Message, Tone & Format

Write an essay (300+ words) dissecting the message, tone and format of a design piece. This could include but is not limited to a book cover, poster, website, application, advertisement, etc. Choose a piece that confuses, frustrates, excites, inspires, and/or moves you.

“All design work seems to have three common traits: there is a message to the work, the tone of that message, and the format that the work takes. Successful design has all three elements working in co-dependence to achieve a whole greater than the sum of the individual parts.”
—Frank Chimero, The Shape of Design, Chapter 4

Consider this your first formal, written criticism of a design piece. You will dissect the three traits that Chimero outlines in The Shape of Design: message, tone and format. 

Message: what is being communicated
Tone: how something is being communicated 
Format: the shape that the design takes; the vehicle for the message 

Images should be included on subsequent pages. Multiple photos or screenshots may be appropriate as to highlight certain information or details that you discuss. Use this document as a reference for citing images in your paper. On top of using images, you must cite 2–3 sources.

Print a copy and save a pdf using the following format: FirstName_LastName_MTF.pdf

Due Monday, September 23


Since we are emphasizing the why in this class, I thought it fitting to explain why we are doing this writing assignment. As designers, we must be able to distill down what is happening both visually and verbally. Visually we must be able to see what is happening within our work and the work of our peers and put into words exactly what the work is doing. Without this ability, we are simply stumbling around in the dark. Criticism serves the work which in turn serves the audience and the designer. Better criticism = better work.