Matplotlib Ideas Page
These are just starting points. Your own ideas are most welcome. Please questions on gitter

Improved matplotlib pass through in GeoPandas

GeoPandas allows users to work with geospatial data in Python by providing geospatial operations in Pandas and a high-level interface to multiple geometries to shapely. It also facilitates exploratory visualization of geospatial data via descartes and matplotlib. 

The visualization interface in geopandas is currently on the rough side; it generates simple polygon based maps that are inconsistent in terms of supporting matplotlib features such as color mapping and color bars. 
Python, GIS
[@story645][@jorisvandenbossche] []
Technical details
This work will likely mostly be a matter of diagnosing failure points in the geopandas imshow and integrating support for features supported by matplotlib. For example:
  • customized legend markers for distinguishing points, lines and  polygons. 
  • support choropleth with column with missing values
This project is in collaboration with geopandas, and it’s expected that tasks will also be solicited from them. There is also room for collaboration with Pysal 

Open Source Development Experience
This project involves experience with Python, understanding of matplotlib’s API, and understanding of geospatial data analysis and visualization.