Matis history EN (published)

History of the Matis, Lords of the Bark

The Matis are the result of the eighth and last genetic manipulation of the OmegaCorp.

The Matis encounter the Karavan who spread the word of Jena, the mythology of the Great Dragon and the Prophecy. The contacts between the Karavan and the Matis are easy. The Matis contribute in the supply of the Karavan with resources.
The Matis live in the forest of Matia, from the name of the city that they begin to build there.
The Matis are quarrelling ceaselessly because of their individual ambitions. Zachini emerges as a charismatic and imposing leader but is not yet accepted by all.

To strengthen his authority, Zachini calls around him influential members of the great Matis families and enlists them in a warlike company he heads. He channels the ambition of the Matis by taking them in long hunting rides (mekrides).
During one of these mekrides, the company of Zachini enters Tryker territory and meets its inhabitants whom, taking them for primitives, it hunts and enslaves shamelessly. For the Matis, to enslave a Tryker after a hunt is a feat demonstrating one's nobility to everybody. The thus enslaved Trykers are brought back to the Matia Forest where they work to build Matia.

Jena reveals Herself to Zachini to make him release the Trykers. Zachini accepts and gets the support of the Karavan (via the tables of the Commandments of Jena) to become the undisputed leader of the Matis. With this support, Zachini obtains the union on his name at the council as supreme chief: the royalty Matis of divine right is born.
King Zachini has abandoned Matia (considered to have been perverted by the hands of the Trykers who worked there and therefore unworthy of the new monarchy) and begins the construction of Karavia, the new royal capital. He places this construction under the sign of faith. Over the years, Karavia becomes a holy city because it is built on the meeting place with Jena.

King Zachini rebuilds his warlike company by extending it to the whole Matis people: it is in this pool that henceforth the great figures of the State will be recruited, supporting the royal action.
King Zachini resumed his noble hunts. During one of them, the Matis discover the Momos. They occupy vast areas rich in resources of the new Matis kingdom. The Matis try to enslave them as they did for the Trykers in order to take over the resources and get a slave labour force. Unfortunately, the Momos resist and enter into an enormous war against the Matis. Zachini claims and obtains the active help of the Karavan to eradicate the Momos of the Kingdom (on the theme A king, a land, a people). From now on, the Matis Kingdom will be exclusively populated by Matis. On this occasion, the Matis meet the Kamis who attend the slaughter.

The foundations of the Church of Light, the church of Jena whose priests are homins, are laid among the Matis. The Matis are particularly fervent because they combine the devotion they owe to the King to the practice of the worship of the Church of Light. The capital Karavia receives an archbishopric of the Church and Zachini holds the function.

The Matis encounter the Fyros, after the great fires in the desert, when Fyros water traders cross the Matia Forest.

The Kamis teach magic to the Matis. On this occasion, the Matis meet the Zoraï.

The Zoraï begin to teach the secrets of writing to the Matis.

Some Matis, seduced by the teaching of the Kamis, leave the Church of Light and join the Kamis. To counter the growing influence of the Kamis among the Matis, the Karavan reveals to them the secrets of the genetic manipulation of living matter, especially plants.

Birth of Aniro I, who will found the Anirian dynasty.

Driven by the lure of profit, the Matis do not hesitate to dry up the Munshia river which irrigates the Fyros Empire and thus force the Fyros to send additional convoys of water to stock up. At the same time, the Matis increase the taxes on the convoys crossing their kingdom.

Fyros and Trykers build together an Aqueduct linking the Trykoth and the Desert. Trykers and Fyros traders and warriors settle down along the aqueduct.
The course of the aqueduct encroaches on the Matis territory, which triggers the (long) War of the Aqueduct between the Matis on one hand and the Trykers and Fyros on the other. The war is chaotic: one hundred and fifty years of fighting with guerrilla phases and phases of true war.

The War of the Aqueduct (also known as War of the Civilizations): the Matis fail in their attempt to cut the aqueduct.