MIT Emergency Ventilator - Key Ventilation Specifications


Updated 28 March 2020
Note changes to specifications with increased BPM and I:E ratios. Adjusting one of these parameters may influence the other, since at higher BPM, the tidal volume is usually decreased. Consult a clinician.
From the Clinical Guidance this document summarizes the minimum set of requirements for ventilation:
  1. Patients must be under the management of a trained clinician.
  1. The minimum controllable parameters in order to ventilate a patient include:
  1. Respiratory Rate (RR) (breaths per minute): between 8 – 40
  1. Tidal Volume (TV) (air volume pushed into lung): between 200 – 800 mL based on patient weight
  1. I/E Ratio (inspiratory/expiration time ratio): recommended to start around 1:2; best if adjustable between range of 1:1 – 1:4*
  1. Assist Detection pressure. When a patient tries to inspire, they can cause a dip on the order of 1 – 5 cm H2O, with respect to PEEP pressure (not necessarily = atmospheric).
  1. Airway pressure must be monitored
  1. Maximum pressure should be limited to 40 cm H2O at any time; Plateau pressure should be limited to max 30 cm H2O
  1. The use of a passive mechanical blow-off valve fixed at 40 cm H2O is strongly recommended
  1. Clinician require readings of plateau pressure and PEEP (refer to clinical documentation tab)
  1. PEEP of 5-15 cm H2O required; many patients need 10-15 cmH2O
  1. Failure conditions must permit conversion to manual clinician override, i.e. if automatic ventilation fails, the conversion to immediate ventilation must be immediate.
  1. Ventilation on room air is better than no ventilation at all. Blending of oxygen and air gas mixture to adjust FiO2 is not important in an emergency scenario.  It is certainly nice to have that ability and can easily be implemented with an oxygen / air gas blender that some hospitals already have.
  1. COVID-19 can get aerosolized (airborne), so HEPA filtration on the patient’s exhalation is required or between the ventilator unit and the patient (at the end of the endotracheal tube) to protect clinical staff from certain infection. In-line HEPA filters can usually be purchased alongside manual resuscitator bags.
  1. Heat and moisture exchanger should be used in line with the breathing circuit.
  1. Failure conditions must result in an alarm.
This is a minimum requirement set for emergency use. Equipment designed for more regular use, even if for emerging markets, will require additional features to be used on a regular basis. 
*Range determined based on several COVID-19 patients’ ventilator settings reported from Boston area ICUs


  1. 患者必須在訓練有素的臨床醫生的管理下。
  1. 使患者通氣的最低可控參數包括:
  1. 呼吸頻率(RR)(每分鐘呼吸):8 – 40
  1. 潮氣量 (TV)(空氣量被送入肺部):根據患者體重在200 – 800 mL之間
  1. I / E比率(吸氣/呼氣時間比率):建議從1:2開始;最好在1:1 – 1:4 *的範圍內調節
  1. 輔助檢測壓力。當患者嘗試吸氣時,相對於PEEP壓力(不一定=大氣壓),他們可能會導致1-5 cm H 2 O的下降。
  1. 必須監測氣道壓力
  1. 任何時候最大壓力都應限制在40 cm H 2 O以下;高原壓力應限制為最大30 cm H 2 O
  1. 強烈建議使用固定在40 cm H 2 O 的被動式機械排污閥
  1. 臨床醫生需要讀取高原壓力和PEEP(請參閱臨床文檔標籤)
  1. 要求PEEP為5-15 cm H 2 O;許多患者需要10-15 cmH 2 O
  1. 故障條件必須允許轉換為手動臨床醫生優先控制,即,如果自動通氣失敗,則必須立即轉換為立即通氣。
  1. 室內空氣的通風總比根本不通風好。在緊急情況下,混合氧氣和空氣混合物以調節FiO2並不重要。擁有這種能力當然很不錯,並且可以使用某些醫院已經擁有的氧氣/空氣混合器輕鬆實現。
  1. COVID-19可能會霧化(通過空氣傳播),因此需要在患者呼氣時或在呼吸機與患者之間(在氣管內導管末端)進行HEPA過濾 以保護臨床人員免受某些感染。在線HEPA過濾器通常可以與人工復甦袋一起購買。
  1. 換熱器和換濕器應與呼吸迴路配合使用。
  1. 故障條件必須導致警報。