MGP: $15,000 for Odyssy to further Moloch toward a framework.

The ask

Odyssy, the team behind DAOHaus (launcher of Molochs) & Pokemol (frontends for Molochs) have now brought these two closer together, with anyone who summons a Moloch on DAOHaus now getting an interface automatically, so they can submit proposals and get coordinating immediately. This proposal seeks funding to grant the Odyssy team $15,000 (150 shares @ current ~$100 shareValue) to build on this progress, toward a full-fledged framework of composable Molochs for to fit various real-world use-cases as well as tighten up the DAO user experience throughout.


MetaCartel was the first Moloch clone, and wanted a more user-friendly UX-first frontend, so we built Pokémol. Pokemol, short for ‘Pocket Moloch’, is a mobile-first frontend for Molochs with embedded contract wallets for improved usability (No dapp browser, browser extensions, or signing of transactions required).

Then YangDAO was summoned in a similar way as MetaCartel, deploying their own contracts to mainnet and utilizing Pokémol for their frontend. By EthBerlin in August, a number of new Moloch clones were being summoned, including Orochi DAO, so we built DAOHaus there in order to make it easier for new communities to summon their own Moloch.

Today, there are more than 40 Moloch clones launched at DAOHaus (View Stats). Anyone who summons a Moloch on DAOHaus gets an interface automatically, so they can submit proposals and get coordinating immediately. Now with coordination cost nullified, much feedback, many DAOs and Moloch V2 on its way, it is time for the next great iteration of building into a composable Moloch framework. 


Odyssy is a full-stack blockchain product shop focused on Ethereum.

Share allocation

Odyssy’s address to receive Shares

All funds will be put into the Raid Guild, a Moloch DAO itself, for distribution to all contributors, though most of the work will be performed by core Odyssy team, augmented by the strength of Raid Guild as needed, including Rahul. We will also keep some shares in Moloch, though that amount is currently undefined.

Also, possibility of doing a direct Moloch to Moloch transfer using a shim contract such as this one.

Scope of Work

We’ve set our next major milestone for EthDenver 2020 and will be going much further down this path toward a composable DAO framework. Aware of Moloch V2 and all the use-cases it subsequently enables, the bulk of this work will be on the Moloch V2 side. In so doing, we will be building DAOHaus into a framework that allows users to compose their own Moloch out of many 'blocks’ to fit their use-case, such as V1/V2 contract sets, Legal contracts, and many other possible elements as well as automatically configuring and launching their frontend to match. 

While this work is generalized to help all current and future DAOs, Moloch itself receives a huge frontend update in the process as well as marking a huge milestone in Moloch growing into its own framework. 

  1. Moloch V2 Integration
  1. UX Research on impacts of V2 contract interactions
  1. Post-research => UI Design
  1. V2 upgrades across DAOhaus/Pokemol in composable form.
  1. Summon V1 or V2
  1. Multi-Token Support, Token Whitelist, Emergency Exit, Submit -> Sponsor Flow, Guild Kick, Deposit Token
  1. Pool support
  1. Legal entity/Open Law integration
  1. Factory contract to launch new Moloch V2 DAOs with new subgraph for data aggregation
  1. Full Ethereum Authentication
  1. Break from hard dependency on contract wallets, and allow user to choose normal Web3 wallet access such as Metamask and Gnosis Safe. Can ‘upgrade’ to Abridged SDK as desired
  1. DAOhaus/Pokemol Multi-tenant architecture
  1. Instead of deploying each dao’s frontend to their own hosted domain, navigating to[contract-address] will build the frontend for any Moloch.
  1. This allows for one ‘account’ to be used across all DAOs, as desired by the user.
  1. Enable some initial branding configuration per DAO
  1. DAO filter/sort options now that there are many to sort.
  1. Enhanced integrations with other Eth projects
  1. ENS support on accounts, possibly as auth (R&D required)
  1. Implement more 3box features for better member profiles
  1. DeFi integrations like bonding curves and rDAI