Lose weight smartly & easily by using technology, by Ivica Delic
(Tehnologija u službi mršavljenja: kako pametno & zdravo mršaviti koristeći tehnologiju?)

The most important elements for my success (I lost 30 kg/66 lbs): 
I started calculating how many calories I eat daily vs. how much I "burn", and I was taking care that I burn more than I eat (deficit of around 300-500 calories per day/aprox. 3.500 per week). 
There’s healthy weight loss and there’s unhealthy weight loss. While calories are all that matter for weight loss, the other components of food such as micronutrients, vitamins, and fiber, are what determine the QUALITY of your weight loss results.
So you should make 80-90% of your calories come from relatively unprocessed and nutrient-dense foods.
There isn’t unhealthy food. There are unhealthy diets. An unhealthy diet can be whatever. Vegetables are very healthy? Maybe, but if you only eat vegetables your diet is very, very unhealthy. Fast food burgers are unhealthy? Maybe, but if you have a person who eats nothing but vegetables, then if this person decides to eat a fast food burger that burger is a very healthy addition to their diet. 
All that matters is variety and balance in the diet. In the context of a healthy, varied and balanced diet there is no forbidden unhealthy food.

Plus, I have been working on my metabolic flexibility (see below what is it), and that did the "trick", in my case: I “hacked” my metabolism with the help of Lumen and by using regular physical activity, on top of the food eating control.

Thx to all of this, I even managed to run and successfully finish my 1st half-marathon under 2h (21.1 km/13.1 miles), and my 2nd half-marathon as well (even faster)! I also managed to run my 1st full marathon recently as well!!!
Consequences of obesity:
insulin resistance – adipose tissue actively secretes chemical compounds which may lead to insulin resistance
increased blood cholesterol and triglycerides
increased incidence of diabetes – with insulin resistance, genetic basis is also a requirement for the onset of diabetes
heart and blood vessel diseases – high blood pressure, accelerated atherosclerosis, increased risk of heart attack,  increased risk of stroke and peripheral arterial disease, also the hearts of obese people have to work harder, therefore, left ventricular hypertrophy frequently occurs
more frequent formation of gallstones
pulmonary complications – shortness of breath and “sleep apnea“
increased risk of cancer (thicker intestine, endometrium, breast)
mechanical load for joints
fatty liver
more common occurrence of heartburn and GERB.

The mental ailments that come with obesity such as depression, shame, guilt and social isolation (which often lead to a decrease in performance quality at work) should also be considered.📉

Posljedice pretilosti:
inzulinska rezistencija – masno tkivo aktivno luči kemijske spojeve te oni mogu dovesti do nastanka inzulinske rezistencije
povećana koncentracija kolesterola i triglicerida u krvi
povećana učestalost dijabetesa – uz inzulinsku rezistenciju, za pojavu dijabetesa potrebna je i genetska podloga
bolesti srca i krvnih žila – povišen krvni tlak, ubrzana ateroskleroza, povećavaju šansu za srčani udar, moždani udar i perifernu arterijsku bolest, srce kod pretilih ljudi mora raditi jače, stoga nastaje i hipertrofija lijeve klijetke
učestaliji nastanak žučnih kamenaca
plućne komplikacije – otežano disanje i “sleep apneja“
učestaliji nastanak karcinoma (debelo crijevo, endometrij, dojka)
mehaničko opterećenje za zglobove
masna jetra
češća pojava žgaravice i GERB-a.
U obzir valja uzeti i mentalne tegobe koje dolaze uz pretilost, a to su depresija😕, sram i krivnja, socijalna izolacija i manja uspješnost na poslu.📉


How do you stop yourself from eating unhealthy stuff?

  1. Only Buy Healthy Foods - If you do not have anything unhealthy to eat in the house you will be less likely to get it since it takes that much more effort.
  • (Go shopping when you are full and make a list in advance. Only buy what is on that list. No exceptions.)