This is a work-in-progress page to record our rough thoughts/ideas/notes and relevant visual imagery, as well as track our progress and hourly time spent working. We use it both to collaborate on written and visual elements, as well as to keep a running record of our process and progress. Because of the nature of this document, it is messy, and somewhat disorganized, yet entirely functional. 


Small Patterns: created using shapes from the logo.

Use cases: Use small patterns to delight and surprise. They should feel more like texture than overt pattern. Use them to break up negative space and create visual interest. Small patterns can also be applied to create a feeling of texture. 

Large Patterns

Use cases: Use the entire logo bleeding off the page to frame elements “inside” the viewing area. You can also break the logo elements apart to use as a visual element that guides the eye to a specific focal point.

When creating patterns, use geometry to create a sense of organic movement through space.
When using patterns to frame elements in the viewing area, never use tints of the primary colors (red, blue, green).

Kiosk Design

A few stand out thoughts:
  • make buttons look like buttons
  • make sure that the colors will work at grayscale for colorblindness
  • accidental touch is a thing, make sure buttons are far enough away from each other and also big enough
  • make sure type is incredibly legible
  • have lots of ‘back’ buttons and easy exits for users
  • have an ‘attract screen that attracts users over to the screen, something that says “purchase tickets” etc. 


We developed the Link logo with the overall idea of communicating the dynamic and innovative region that it exists to serve.  The Puget Sound region leads the world in technological advancements in a multitude of fields, and boasts one of the most livable and natural cities on the planet, positioned between two impressive mountain ranges and a multitude of water sources—one does not go long without a striking view of mountains and water. With this logo, we This logo speaks to Seattle’s innovation and honors the fresh, life-giving nature of the region by crafting a mark that is dependable and harkens transportation. Link is a step toward putting the Puget Sound on the global map that will always feel unassuming and unpretentious.

There will be times when a square version of the logo is needed. For those times, we have provided a shortened version of the Link wordmark with the abstract mark beneath it to create visual consistency across platforms and usage. Never use the shortened logo without the abstract mark. Example use cases for the shortened logomark are favicons, app icons, station monuments, and link cards.

The link mark signifies four pillars: Neighborhoods and Connections, the essence of Seattle, the Innovation of our City, and the Forward movement our city encomapses. 
  1. Neighborhoods + Connection
  1. The triangles were created using the cardinal directions 
  1. History and ‘essence’ of Seattle
  1. Innovation + Change
  1. Dynamic + Forward movement
  1. Neighborhoods and Connection
  1. (visuals that go along with this: map, the lines, the triangles)
  1. Link is a symbol of the way regions, cities, and neighborhoods in the Puget Sound Region become smaller and closer together with dependable public transportation. We wanted to capture the essence not of this dependability, but of the merging of ideas and cultures that comes with making a neighborhood smaller. Secondly we wanted to create an identity system that responds to a transit system that will continue to grow and evolve in response to it’s residents desires. To this end we used the farthest points north, south, east, and west that the Link will stretch. These Four points were then connected through a series of lines representing the movement a rider would take to go between each of these four points. From these lines, three triangles emerged. These triangles were then overlapped, representing the way a rider now has access to the entire region in one solid, dependable form. 
  1. History
  1. (visuals that go along with this: the overlap, the change)
  1. The Puget Sound Region’s verdant mountain ranges, bodies of water, food supply, not to mention astounding beauty have attracted residents for thousands of years. Throughout the Pacific Northwest’s long history, people of many cultures have found the natural wonders inspiring. We wanted to pay homage to the many cultures and peoples who have lived, do live, and will live in the puget sound region by capturing the geographic features that unites us all. A region situated between two incredible mountain ranges (the Cascades to the East and the Olympics to the West),  and marked by the weather that these great mountain ranges inspire. We wanted to capture the changing motion of the sky, and to convey a feeling of freshness that is to unique to our region. To do this we created a mark that utilizes the changing weather patterns, the movement of the sky, and reminds our user of the incredible mountain ranges that have marked this land for all it’s inhabitants past and present. 
  1. Innovation and Change/Forward Movement
  1. (visuals that go with this, and side notes: the triangles are always arranged in  a directional pattern, that leads the eye forward and conveys a sense of motion and the way the logo is placed next to the word mark).
  1. The Puget Sound Region is home to some of the world’s most inspiring endeavors. From technology, to medicine, to arts and culture, and philanthropy the people of this region are transforming the way people around the world live. As a result of the incredible industry whose home is in the Sound, the Region is quickly becoming a global leader. We wanted the logo to convey the idea that the Puget Sound Region is leading change across all industries and is a global leader. The transit system of a city with such incredible intellectual opportunity needs to respond to the many diverse people who will ride it every day, and to the incredible change they are leading in the world. Simply put, the Link will elevate the individuals in the region and will help place Seattle on the map alongside cities like Paris, London, and New York. To communicate the change and innovation in the Puget Sound Region we created a logo that constantly moving forward. We placed all the triangles so that they communicate a sense of motion forward.