Lee-Anne McAlear | Additional Presentations
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Keynote Presentations:

Frugal innovation

It’s not just about doing more with less but doing better with less. The “bigger is better’ approach to innovation is running out of steam for many reasons. Budget-constrained consumers no longer want over-engineered and costly products and services, simplicity is the new design touchstone and employees want to work on projects that matter.

Shake, Rattle and Roll – What Does it Take to Get Your Innovation Engine in Gear? 

Every organization is designed to get the results it gets. Savvy leaders shape the culture of their organization to drive innovation and they know its culture that often limits performance. In this engaging, informative and exciting presentation, Lee-Anne will present the five ways to shake, rattle and roll your innovation culture to deliver the results you need.

To book a customized presentation with Lee-Anne email your event details to: speakers@nsb.com (within Canada) or speakers@globalspeakers.com (USA & International)